Recording control performance
Control performance uses scheduled questionnaires to ensure that control activities are performed consistently for projects in the Projects app.
How it works
When control performance is enabled for a project, a Collection is automatically created to house questionnaire responses for the project. You can then create one or more questionnaires to send to control performers.
App | Action |
Projects |
For more information about setting up control performance, see Scheduling control performance. |
Results |
Control performance data
Each project with enabled control performance has a corresponding Collection that contains an Analysis and Table:
- Collection name is the same as the project name
- Analysis "Control Performance" (editable)
- Table "Control Tasks" (editable)
The table contains all scheduled performance records for the project. As more schedules are added to controls in the project, records are appended to this table.
Control performance tables are like any table in the Results app, and you can use standard functionality such as triggers, metrics, and visualizations with them. Control performance tables also contain standard information columns such as Status and Priority.
You cannot manually delete control performance tables or the Collections and Analyses that contain them.
If you enable control performance and certifications for the same project, both features use the same collection in Results, but records are stored in separate analyses and tables.
Contextual data captured in Results
The following Projects fields are captured as contextual data in the table in Results:
You must configure the questionnaire in the Results app to Show all record fields or Show select record fields to display these fields to questionnaire respondents. For more information, see Creating questionnaires.
Project fields | Objective fields | Control fields |
Disabling control performance or deleting a control
If you disable control performance, or delete a control in Projects that has an associated control performance schedule, the table and records are retained in the Results app. However, any links to the control performance questionnaire expire and cannot be used to record additional records.
Archived projects
When a project that uses control performance is archived or deleted in the Projectsapp, the associated Collection in the Results app is also archived. For more information about archived Collections, see Working with collections.
Rollforward projects
When an archived project that uses control performance is rolled forward in Projects, control performance schedules are copied to the new project.
A new Collection is automatically created in the Results app containing all collection members and previously created questionnaires. The Analysis name and description are also copied to the new Analysis within the new Collection. The new project and the new Collection are automatically linked and enabled schedules begin running on the specified frequency.