Creating and managing interpretations

Each table in your collection starts with a default interpretation. The default interpretation is the view provided for remediation and processing records. Any changes that are saved provide a preconfigured view that other users can access when processing records. You can also create new interpretations. Each interpretation provides a unique view of the data in the underlying source table. This structure lets you create multiple views of the data based on dimensions such as region, quarter, or any other category you use to organize and isolate data.

You can use the interpretations to create storyboards in the Storyboards app. You must save the interpretation (even the default interpretation) to use it in the Storyboards app.


The ability to create and save interpretations depends on your assigned role. Only Professional Managers can customize and save a default interpretation. Both Professional Managers and Professional Users can create new interpretations.

Open an interpretation

Create or save an interpretation

Delete an interpretation

If you no longer need an interpretation, you can delete it. Deleting an interpretation also deletes any visualizations created from that interpretation and removes those visualizations from storyboards. It does not delete the table this interpretation exists in.

Result The interpretation is deleted.