AX to Robots post-migration activities
After you have migrated or recreated your organization's scripts and any data, and recreated automated processes in Robots, move on to the post-migration activities.
Task/Activity | Details |
If applicable, install Direct Link on the server where the Robots Agent is installed |
If you have been using Direct Link with AX to access SAP data you need to do one of the following:
Test viewing output results in Analytics | See Viewing the tables, files, and logs in an ACL robot. |
Compare Robots and AX output results |
You should run AX and Robots in parallel for a period of time and compare output results from the same automated processes in each application. Assuming you have not changed the logic of the process in Robots, output results should be identical. |
Set up user and admin access to the Robots app and individual robots | |
Develop a plan for legacy AX data |
Your organization's AX installation may contain a large amount of legacy data. Organizational policy, and laws in your jurisdiction, may require that you preserve accessible copies of the data for a specified period of time. Work with the appropriate stakeholders in your organization, and your Diligent account representative, to plan an orderly process for archiving or purging legacy AX data. |