Managing working data stored in a robot

Each robot has a central data storage area where you can permanently save Analytics data tables, and files such as Excel or delimited, for use as input in future tasks, or for storing historical records. The data in the storage area can be produced by either an ACL script or a Python/HCL script, or it can be manually uploaded.

For each robot, the data storage areas in development mode and production mode are completely separate with no sharing of data across modes. For more information, see Development mode and production mode in Robots.

Working data versus results data

The data in the storage area is working data, not results data. Results data is not stored in the central data storage area. Instead, it is stored in the Task runs tab, with the individual task run that produced the data. By contrast, the working data in the central storage area can be produced by a variety of different tasks, or manually uploaded from a variety of different locations. Working data can also be overwritten, whereas results data is a fixed end product that cannot be overwritten.

Data storage capability by robot type and Robots Agent type

Data storage differs somewhat based on robot type and Robots Agent type. The differences are summarized below.

Data storage characteristic

ACL robot

On-premise Robots Agent

ACL robot

Cloud-based Robots Agent

HighBond robot

Workflow robot

Cloud-based Python engine

Data storage area

Input/Output tab

Working data area

Accessible from either the Working data tab, or the Working data panel in the script editor

Supported data types
  • Analytics tables

  • files

  • files

  • files

Methods for adding working data to the storage area
  • output of Analytics table by ACL script logic + //DATA tag in analytic header

  • manual upload of file

  • manual upload of file

  • output of file by Python/HCL script logic + save_working_file() method

  • manual upload of file

Sharing/linking of working data between robots


No No

Using working data as input for a script

The method for using working data as input for a script depends on the type of script and the type of data.


Regardless of the method, the working data must be present in the Input/Output tab or the Working data area in the robot before the script runs, or before the point in the script where the data is required.

Script type Data storage area Analytics data table as script input File as script input
ACL script Input/Output tab
  • Use the OPEN <table name> command in the script.

    (On-premise Robots Agent only)

Do both:

  • Include a //FILE analytic tag in the script's analytic header.

    For more information, see FILE tag.

  • Use an IMPORT command in the script.

    For more information, see Import and export data.

Python/HCL script

Working data tab


Working data panel in script editor

  • not supported

Do both:

  • Use the HCL load_working_file() method in the script.

    For more information, see load_working_file() method.

  • Use Python/HCL script logic for subsequent file processing.

Manually upload a file to the data storage area in a robot


Files uploaded to the data storage area in a robot must not exceed 1 GB in size and must be a permitted file type. For more information, see Permitted types of files in Robots.

  1. From the Launchpad home page (, select the Robots app to open it.

    If you are already in Diligent One, you can use the left-hand navigation menu to switch to the Robots app.

  2. From the dashboard in Robots, select the tab for the appropriate robot type.
  3. Navigate to the robot that you want to upload a file or files to, and select the robot to open it.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the robot, click Production or Development to select the mode to use.

    For more information, see Development mode and production mode in Robots.

  5. On the Input/Output tab or in the Working data tab, do one of the following:
    • Drag and drop Select one or more files from your local file system and drag them onto the upload area under Files or Robot files.
    • Choose files Click choose from your computer, navigate to the files that you want to upload from your local file system, select them, and click Open.

    If the Overwrite existing files dialog box appears, select the file or files that you want to overwrite and click Overwrite.

    Result The file or files are uploaded and appear under Files in the Input/Output tab, or under Robot files in the Working data tab.


    In HighBond or Workflow robots, you have the option of uploading files using either the Working data tab or the Working data panel in the script editor. Uploaded files are displayed in both locations.

View details for an Analytics data table or a file


To view the actual content of an Analytics data table or a file, you must download the table or file to your local computer.

  1. From the Launchpad home page (, select the Robots app to open it.

    If you are already in Diligent One, you can use the left-hand navigation menu to switch to the Robots app.

  2. From the dashboard in Robots, select the tab for the appropriate robot type.
  3. Navigate to the robot that contains the Analytics data table or the file, and select the robot to open it.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the robot, click Production or Development to select the mode to use.

    For more information, see Development mode and production mode in Robots.

  5. On the Input/Output tab or the Working data tab, select the table or file to view.

    The Table details panel or the File details panel opens and displays information about the table or file that you selected.

Download an Analytics data table or a file

  1. From the Launchpad home page (, select the Robots app to open it.

    If you are already in Diligent One, you can use the left-hand navigation menu to switch to the Robots app.

  2. From the dashboard in Robots, select the tab for the appropriate robot type.
  3. Navigate to the robot that contains the Analytics data table or the file that you want to download, and select the robot to open it.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the robot, click Production or Development to select the mode to use.

    For more information, see Development mode and production mode in Robots.

  5. On the Input/Output tab or the Working data tab, select the table or file to download.


    In HighBond or Workflow robots, you can also download files from the Working data panel in the script editor.

  6. Do one of the following:
    • In the Table details panel, click View Table in AN.

      Result An Analytics project named <robot_name>.acl is downloaded to your local computer. The project contains all the Analytics data tables from the Input/Output tab, not just the table you selected.

      You can open the project in Analytics and view the table.

    • In the File details panel, click Download.

      Result The file is downloaded to your local file system and can be opened in its native application.

Delete an Analytics data table or a file


If you delete an Analytics data table that is currently shared, any tasks in other robots that link to the table will fail. If necessary, make sure to coordinate with other Robots users before you delete shared tables.

  1. From the Launchpad home page (, select the Robots app to open it.

    If you are already in Diligent One, you can use the left-hand navigation menu to switch to the Robots app.

  2. From the dashboard in Robots, select the tab for the appropriate robot type.
  3. Navigate to the robot that contains the Analytics data table or the file that you want to delete, and select the robot to open it.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the robot, click Production or Development to select the mode to use.

    For more information, see Development mode and production mode in Robots.

  5. Do one of the following:

    Delete a table or a file from an ACL robot

    1. On the Input/Output tab, select one or more tables or files to delete.

      The Delete selected items button updates with the currently selected number of tables or files. Select the checkbox at the top of the Other tables section, or the Files section, to delete all the tables or files in the section.

    2. Click Delete n selected items, and then Delete in the deletion confirmation.

      Result The selected tables or files are deleted.

    You can also select a single table or file and delete it from the Table details panel or the File details panel.


    You cannot use either table deletion method to remove linked tables from the Input/Output tab. For more information, see Sharing and linking data tables in ACL robots.

    Delete a file from a HighBond robot or a Workflow robot

    1. On the Working data tab, select one or more files to delete.

      The Delete selected items button updates with the currently selected number of files. Select the checkbox at the top of the Robot files section to delete all the files in the section.

    2. Click Delete n selected items, and then Delete in the deletion confirmation.

      Result The selected files are deleted.

    You can also select a single file and delete it from the File details panel.

    The Working data panel in the script editor also supports deleting files.