Configure the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) factor

Create scoring ranges by setting thresholds within the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPIClosed Corruption Perceptions Index which ranks countries by perceived levels of public sector corruption. The CPI generally defines corruption as an abuse of entrusted power for private gain.) rankings. The higher the scores you assign, the higher the risk.


  1. Under Includes highest risk Country from, check the sources of information and the system will include the countries included in each source:

  2. Add a Score for Unlisted Countries. Countries with no CPI ratings are listed and scored separately as a group. Determine how risky these countries are overall to assign points.

  3. In Country Overrides, select any country to assign a score that takes precedence over any other country score.

  4. In Select Scoring Range Thresholds, select the lowest CPI rating for each CPI to create a range of CPI scores. The range is added to Score Ranges covered in the next step.

  5. In Scoring Ranges, assign a score to each off the ranges you created in the previous step. The number of countries in that range displays. Note that high CPI ratings mean lower risk and would merit a lower score.

  6. Select Next Step