Configure custom field factor
You can set values for any custom fields Custom fields can be created to use in risk models. created by your organization and included in the questionnaire returned from the third-party. For more information on custom fields, see Setting fields and lists.
You can enter values up to 9999, positive or negative. The higher the value, the higher the risk. If a field A field is a way to input information, often a question. has no response, the default percent that you entered is used.
For example, a default field score is 100% which means, if a third-party does not have answers on the 3P Custom Fields, they receive the full weight of that risk factor. After answers are saved, the default scoring is replaced with a calculated score based on answers entered.
Set a Default Field Score percentage for unanswered fields.
Select the fields to include in the risk calculation.
After the field list, enter the score for each response.
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