Managing the Apache TomEE service

Apache TomEE runs the AX Server components for AX Web Client, AX Server, and AX Engine Node. The Analytics Exchange Service Windows service runs the TomEE application server.

The TomEE application server administrator account

Use the TomEE application server administrator account to:

  • access the Tomcat Web Application Manager
  • administer the Analytics Exchange Service from the command line
  • access the AX Server Configuration web application


    The AX Server Configuration web application allows you to configure AX Server settings, add AX Server administrators, and configure analytic processing options.

Change the TomEE application server administrator credentials

  1. On the AX Server machine, open the tomcat-users.xml file in a text editor.

    The default location is: C:\ACL\App\TomCat\conf\tomcat-users.xml

  2. In the file, locate the username and password entries and replace them with the new credentials.

    The existing username and password values are encrypted. You must enclose the new values in quotation marks (") and the values you enter are encrypted when you save the file and restart the Analytics Exchange Service.

  3. Save and close the tomcat-users.xml file and then restart the Analytics Exchange Service.

    You must restart the service for the change to take effect. For more information, see AX Server Windows services.


    If you have one or more instances of AX Engine Node, repeat the preceding steps on each machine to update the TomEE application server credentials with the same ones you enter on AX Server.

Edit the service configuration settings

  1. On the AX Server machine, from the TomCat\conf sub-folder, open the server.xml file in a text editor.
  2. Change the following setting types in the file:
    • main configuration settings for the TomEE application server
    • SSL connector settings
  3. Save and close the file and then restart the TomEE application server service.

    You must restart the service for the change to take effect. For more information, see AX Server Windows services.

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Saturday, April 20, 2019