EXPORT command
Concept Information
Exports data from Analytics to the specified file format, or to the Results app or the Robots app in HighBond.
You must have 32-bit Microsoft Access Database Engine installed for the EXPORT command to work with older Excel files (*.xls) and Microsoft Access files (*.mdb). For more information, see Exclude optional Microsoft Access Database Engine.
EXPORT {<FIELDS> field_name <AS export_name> <...n>|<FIELDS> ALL <EXCLUDE field_name <...n>>} <UNICODE> export_type <SCHEMA> <PASSWORD num> TO {filename|aclgrc_id|highbond_api_url} <OVERWRITE> <IF test> <WHILE test> <{FIRST range|NEXT range}> <APPEND> <KEEPTITLE> <SEPARATOR character> <QUALIFIER character> <WORKSHEET worksheet_name> <DISPLAYNAME>
Name | Description | |||||||
FIELDS field_name AS export_name <...n> | FIELDS ALL |
The fields to export.
EXCLUDE field_name optional |
Only valid when exporting using FIELDS ALL. The field or fields to exclude from the command. EXCLUDE allows you to fine-tune FIELDS ALL, by excluding the specified fields. EXCLUDE must immediately follow FIELDS ALL. For example: FIELDS ALL EXCLUDE field_1 field_2 |
UNICODE optional |
Available in the Unicode edition of Analytics only. Applies to text files, delimited text files, XML files, and Windows Clipboard output only. ( ASCII , DELIMITED , XML , CLIPBOARD ) Exports Analytics data with Unicode UTF-16 LE character encoding applied.
For more information, see Diligent Unicode products. |
export_type |
The output file format or the destination. Specify one of the following options:
SCHEMA optional |
Applies to XML file output only. ( XML ) Include the XML schema in the exported XML file. The XML schema contains metadata that describes the structure of the XML file, including the data type of the fields. You can validate the file against the schema once the file has been exported. |
optional |
Applies to HighBond apps only. ( ACLGRC , HBDATA ) The password definition to use. You do not use PASSWORD num to prompt for, or specify, an actual password. The password definition refers to a password previously supplied or set using the PASSWORD command, the SET PASSWORD command, or the PASSWORD analytic tag. num is the number of the password definition. For example, if two passwords have been previously supplied or set in a script, or when scheduling an analytic script, PASSWORD 2 specifies that password #2 is used. For more information about supplying or setting passwords, see: PASSWORD num must be placed immediately before TO, or at the end of the string of command syntax. The required password value is a HighBond access token. For more information, see Creating a password definition and specifying a password value. PASSWORD num may or may not be required, depending on the environment in which the script runs.
TO filename |
For exports to a file, the name of the file. If required, you can include either an absolute or relative file path, but the Windows folder must already exist. You must specify the filename value as a quoted string. Note To export to a comma-separated values file (*.csv), you must specify the .csv file extension as part of filename. For example: vendors.csv |
TO aclgrc_id |
For exports to the HighBond Results app, the destination in Results. ( ACLGRC ) The aclgrc_id value must include the Results control test ID number, and if you are exporting to a data center other than North America (US), the data center code. The aclgrc_id value must be enclosed in quotation marks. The control test ID number and the data center code must be separated by the at sign (@). For example, TO "99@eu". If you do not know the control test ID number, use the Analytics user interface to begin an export to Results. Cancel the export once you have identified the control test ID number. For more information, see Exporting exceptions to the Results app in HighBond. The data center code specifies which regional HighBond server you are exporting the data to:
You can use only the data center code or codes authorized for your organization's instance of HighBond. The North America (US) data center is the default, so specifying @us is optional. |
TO highbond_api_url |
For exports to the HighBond Robots app, the destination in Robots. ( HBDATA ) Note You cannot export to an ACL robot. You must export to a HighBond robot or a Workflow robot. The highbond_api_url value is the HighBond API request URL for the destination robot. The example below exports a *.csv.gz file to this destination:
TO "https://apis-us.highbond.com/v1/orgs/1000236/robots/52053/working_files?env=development" Use the env query string parameter to specify whether the file is exported to development mode or production mode in the robot:
OVERWRITE optional |
Applies to HighBond apps only. ( ACLGRC , HBDATA )
Any interpretations related to the target control test (table) dynamically update to reflect the imported data, whether you overwrite or append. |
IF test optional |
A conditional expression that must be true in order to process each record. The command is executed on only those records that satisfy the condition. Note The IF parameter is evaluated against only the records remaining in a table after any scope parameters have been applied (WHILE, FIRST, NEXT). |
WHILE test optional |
A conditional expression that must be true in order to process each record. The command is executed until the condition evaluates as false, or the end of the table is reached. Note If you use WHILE in conjunction with FIRST or NEXT, record processing stops as soon as one limit is reached. |
FIRST range | NEXT range optional |
The number of records to process:
Use range to specify the number of records to process. If you omit FIRST and NEXT, all records are processed by default. |
APPEND optional |
Applies to text files and delimited text files only. ( ASCII , DELIMITED ) Appends the command output to the end of an existing file instead of overwriting it. Note You must ensure that the structure of the command output and the existing file are identical:
Analytics appends output to an existing file regardless of its structure. If the structure of the output and the existing file do not match, jumbled, missing, or inaccurate data can result. |
KEEPTITLE optional |
Applies to text files, delimited text files, and comma-separated values files only. ( ASCII , DELIMITED ) Include the Analytics field names with the exported data. If omitted, no field names appear in the output file. |
SEPARATOR character optional |
Applies to delimited text files and comma-separated values files only. ( DELIMITED ) The character to use as the separator between fields. You must specify the character as a quoted string. By default, Analytics uses a comma. Do not specify any character other than a comma if you are exporting to a comma-separated values file. |
QUALIFIER character optional |
Applies to delimited text files and comma-separated values files only. ( DELIMITED ) The character to use as the text qualifier to wrap and identify field values. You must specify the character as a quoted string. By default, Analytics uses double quotation marks. |
WORKSHEET worksheet_name optional |
Applies to Microsoft Excel *.xlsx files only. ( XLSX ) The name of the Excel worksheet created in a new or existing Excel file. Specify a maximum of 31 characters. By default, Analytics uses the name of the Analytics table you are exporting as the worksheet name. Names longer than 31 characters are truncated. The worksheet_name can contain only alphanumeric characters or the underscore character ( _ ). The name cannot contain special characters, spaces, or start with a number. Enclosing the value in quotation marks is optional. For details about overwriting Excel workbooks and worksheets when exporting, see The WORKSHEET parameter and overwriting. |
DISPLAYNAME optional |
Applies to HighBond Results only. ( ACLGRC ) Exports field names as field names and display names as display names so the display names appear in column headings in Results without affecting the actual field name. It is possible to combine DISPLAYNAME with AS. For more information see How DISPLAYNAME interacts with AS when exporting to HighBond Results. |
Comma-separated values (CSV) file example
Excel examples
Export data to an Excel .xlsx file
You export specific fields from the Vendor table to an Excel *.xlsx file:
OPEN Vendor
EXPORT FIELDS Vendor_No Vendor_Name Vendor_City XLSX TO "VendorExport"
Export data to an Excel .xlsx file and specify a worksheet name
You export specific fields from the Vendor table to a worksheet called Vendors_US in an Excel *.xlsx file:
OPEN Vendor
EXPORT FIELDS Vendor_No Vendor_Name Vendor_City XLSX TO "VendorExport" WORKSHEET Vendors_US
Delimited file examples
Export all fields to a delimited file
You export all fields from the Vendor table to a delimited file:
OPEN Vendor
Export a subset of fields to a delimited file
You have two options when exporting a subset of the fields in a table to an external file:
- specify the individual fields to export
- specify FIELDS ALL and specify the fields to exclude from the export
Use whichever method is the least labor-intensive.
The examples below refer to the Vendor table, which has eight fields:
- vendor number
- vendor name
- vendor street
- vendor city
- vendor state
- vendor ZIP
- last active date
- review date
Specify the fields to export
You export two fields from the Vendor table to a delimited file:
OPEN Vendor
Specify FIELDS ALL and specify the fields to exclude
You export all fields, except the last active date and review date fields, from the Vendor table to a delimited file:
OPEN Vendor
Export data to multiple delimited files using GROUP
You export specific fields from the Vendor table to two delimited files:
- one file for vendor names from "A" to "M"
- one file for vendor names from "N" to "Z"
Using the GROUP command, you test the vendor name of each record with an IF condition:
Comma-separated values (CSV) file example
Export all fields to a comma-separated values file
You export all fields from the Vendor table to a comma-separated values file:
OPEN Vendor
Results app example
Export data to the Results app in HighBond
Specify the fields to export
You export specific fields from the AR_Exceptions table to HighBond Results. You overwrite existing data in the target control test (table):
OPEN AR_Exceptions
EXPORT FIELDS No Due Date Ref Amount Type ACLGRC TO "10926@us" OVERWRITE
Create a password definition required to run the command in Robots
You create a two-part password definition with a PASSWORD analytic tag, and a matching PASSWORD parameter in the EXPORT command.
The //PASSWORD 1 analytic tag creates a password input parameter in a robot task. The matching PASSWORD 1 parameter in the EXPORT command references the stored and encrypted password value in the task. The required password is a valid HighBond access token. For more information, see Creating a password definition and specifying a password value.
//ANALYTIC Export data to Results
//PASSWORD 1 HighBond access token:
OPEN AR_Exceptions
Robots app examples
Export data to the Robots app in HighBond
You cannot export to an ACL robot. You must export to a HighBond robot or a Workflow robot.
For more information about how to access the data after exporting it to Robots, see load_working_file() method.
Specify the fields to export
You export specific fields from the Trans_May table to a compressed CSV file (*.csv.gz) in HighBond Robots. If a file with the same name already exists in robot 52053, in development mode, it is overwritten:
OPEN Trans_May
EXPORT FIELDS CARDNUM AS 'CARDNUM' CODES AS 'CODES' DATE AS 'DATE' CUSTNO AS 'CUSTNO' DESCRIPTION AS 'DESCRIPTION' AMOUNT AS 'AMOUNT' HBDATA TO "https://apis-us.highbond.com/v1/orgs/1000236/robots/52053/working_files?env=development" OVERWRITE
Create a password definition required to run the command in Robots
You create a two-part password definition with a PASSWORD analytic tag, and a matching PASSWORD parameter in the EXPORT command.
The //PASSWORD 1 analytic tag creates a password input parameter in a robot task. The matching PASSWORD 1 parameter in the EXPORT command references the stored and encrypted password value in the task. The required password is a valid HighBond access token. For more information, see Creating a password definition and specifying a password value.
//ANALYTIC Export Analytics data to Robots
//PASSWORD 1 HighBond access token:
OPEN Trans_May
EXPORT FIELDS CARDNUM AS 'CARDNUM' CODES AS 'CODES' DATE AS 'DATE' CUSTNO AS 'CUSTNO' DESCRIPTION AS 'DESCRIPTION' AMOUNT AS 'AMOUNT' HBDATA PASSWORD 1 TO "https://apis-us.highbond.com/v1/orgs/1000236/robots/52053/working_files?env=development" OVERWRITE
Export all fields
You export all fields from the Trans_May table to a compressed CSV file (*.csv.gz) in HighBond Robots:
OPEN Trans_May
EXPORT FIELDS ALL HBDATA PASSWORD 3 TO "https://apis-us.highbond.com/v1/orgs/1000236/robots/52053/working_files?env=development" OVERWRITE
Specify FIELDS ALL and specify the fields to exclude
You export all fields, except the last active date and review date fields, from the Vendor table to a compressed CSV file (*.csv.gz) in HighBond Robots:
OPEN Vendor
EXPORT FIELDS ALL EXCLUDE Vendor_Last_Active Vendor_Review_Date HBDATA PASSWORD 3 TO "https://apis-us.highbond.com/v1/orgs/1000236/robots/52053/working_files?env=development" OVERWRITE
Using EXPORT with the GROUP command
For most export formats, you can export data into multiple files simultaneously using the GROUP command.
Only one file can be created at a time when you are exporting data to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access.
Exporting to Excel
The following limits apply when exporting data to an Excel file.
Limit | Details |
Number of records |
Analytics tables that exceed these maximums export successfully, but the excess records are ignored and not exported. |
Length of fields |
Length of field names |
Length of worksheet names |
If you use an Analytics table name as the worksheet name, the name is truncated when exported to Excel if it exceeds 31 characters. |
The WORKSHEET parameter and overwriting
The result of using or not using the WORKSHEET parameter when exporting from an Analytics table to an Excel file is explained below:
Matching |
Description |
WORKSHEET parameter used | WORKSHEET parameter not used |
No matching Excel file name |
A new Excel file is created, with a worksheet with the specified name | A new Excel file is created, with a worksheet that uses the name of the exported Analytics table |
Matching Excel file name No matching worksheet name |
A worksheet with the specified name is added to the existing Excel file | The existing Excel file is overwritten by a new Excel file, with a worksheet that uses the name of the exported Analytics table |
Matching Excel file name and worksheet name |
A worksheet with the specified name overwrites the existing worksheet if it was originally created from Analytics. An error message appears and the export operation is canceled if the existing worksheet was originally created directly in Excel. |
The existing Excel file is overwritten by a new Excel file, with a worksheet that uses the name of the exported Analytics table |
Exporting to HighBond Results
The table below contains additional information about exporting to a control test in Results.
Item |
Details |
Required permissions |
The ability to export results to a control test in Results requires a specific HighBond role assignment, or administrative privileges:
For more information, see Results app permissions. |
Export limits |
The following limits apply when exporting to a control test:
You can export multiple times to the same control test, but you cannot exceed the overall limits. |
Appending fields (OVERWRITE not specified) |
Regardless of their order in an Analytics table, exported fields are appended to existing fields in a control test if they have matching physical field names. In Analytics, the physical field name is the name in the table layout. Exported fields that do not match the name of any existing field are added as additional columns to the table in Results. Display names of fields in Analytics, and in Results, are not considered. However, if you use the optional AS export_name parameter, the export_name value is used as the physical field name if you do not use DISPLAYNAME . When appending data to questionnaire fields, the display name of the column in Results remains the name that is specified in the questionnaire configuration. Appending works differently if the target control test has a primary key field specified. For more information, see Exporting exceptions to the Results app in HighBond. Note If you are round-tripping data between Results and Analytics, and data ends up misaligned in Results, you probably have mismatched field names. For more information, see Field name considerations when importing and exporting Results data. |
Password requirement |
See Creating a password definition and specifying a password value. |
How DISPLAYNAME interacts with AS when exporting to HighBond Results
The matrix below shows how the DISPLAYNAME parameter interacts with AS when exporting field names from Analytics to Results.
Without AS | With AS | |
Without DISPLAYNAME | Field name and display name in Results are the field name from Analytics. | Field name and display name in Results are the display name in the AS parameter. |
With DISPLAYNAME | Field name in Results is the field name from Analytics. Display name in Results is the display name from Analytics. | Field name in Results is the field name from Analytics. Display name in Results is the display name in the AS parameter. |
Permissions required for exporting to HighBond Robots
The ability to upload a compressed CSV file (*.csv.gz) to the Robots app requires a specific robot role assignment, or administrative privileges:
Users with an Editor or Owner role for a robot can upload a compressed CSV file to the robot. Users with a Reviewer role cannot upload.
Robots Admins are automatically a collaborator for every robot, with the role of Owner.
A HighBond System Admin with a Professional subscription is automatically a Robots Admin.
For more information, see Robots app permissions.
Creating a password definition and specifying a password value
When you run a script in Robots that exports data to the Results app, or uploads a compressed CSV file (*.csv.gz) to the Robots app, you need to include a password definition with the EXPORT command. The same requirement applies to scripts run in Analytics if you used offline activation.
Regardless of which method you use to create a password definition, the required password value is a HighBond access token, which you can generate in Launchpad. For more information, see Acquire a HighBond access token.
Password definition methods
Method | Description |
PASSWORD analytic tag (For scripts that run in Robots) |
If you use the PASSWORD analytic tag to create the numbered password definition for connecting to HighBond, no password value is specified in the script. When you create a task to run the script in Robots, an input field in the Task Designer allows you or another user to specify the actual password. For more information, see PASSWORD analytic tag. |
PASSWORD command (For scripts that run in Analytics, offline activation) |
If you use the PASSWORD command to create the numbered password definition for connecting to HighBond, no password value is specified in the script. A password prompt is displayed when the script attempts to connect. For more information, see PASSWORD command. |
SET PASSWORD command (For scripts that run in Analytics, offline activation) |
If you use the SET PASSWORD command to create the numbered password definition for connecting to HighBond, a password value is specified in the script, so no password prompt is displayed. This approach is appropriate for scripts designed to run unattended, but it exposes an actual password in clear text in the script, which may not be appropriate for your situation. For more information, see SET PASSWORD command. |
Acquire a HighBond access token
The generated access token matches the account used to sign in to HighBond. As a scriptwriter, specifying your own access token in a script may not be appropriate if the script will be used by other people.
Safeguard access tokens like any account password.
Use an existing access token unless you have a reason for creating a new one. If the existing token does not work, create a new one. Using an existing token cuts down on the number of tokens you need to manage.
Do one of the following:
From the Analytics main menu, select Tools > HighBond Access Token.
In the Script Editor, right-click and select Insert > HighBond Token.
The Manage API tokens page opens in your browser. You may be required to first sign in to HighBond.
Access to the Manage API tokens page through Analytics is a convenience feature. You can also sign in to HighBond and access the page through your user profile without using Analytics.
Do one of the following:
Use an existing token
In the Token column, click the partially masked token that you want to use.
Enter your HighBond account password and click Confirm.
The unmasked token is displayed.
Click Copy to copy the token.
Do not close the dialog box containing the token until you have successfully pasted the token.
Create a new token
Click Add token > Analytics.
In the New Analytics token side panel, specify the following information:
Field or option Description Description Enter a description that provides useful information, such as:
- The purpose of the token
- Where the token is used – for example, the name and location of the Analytics script, or the name and location of the robot task
Token expiry - Enabled the token expires after the number of days that you specify
- Disabled the token never expires
Your organization may have a security policy that requires tokens to expire after a certain amount of time. Creating tokens with an expiry is a good practice. HighBond sends you an automated email notification in advance of the expiry date.
Expires in Specify the number of days before the token expires (1 to 365). Password Enter your HighBond account password. -
Click Generate token.
Click Copy to copy the token.
Do not close the side panel containing the token until you have successfully pasted the token.
Depending on which password definition method you are using, do one of the following:
PASSWORD analytic tag In the Task Designer in an ACL robot, paste the copied token into a password parameter field.
PASSWORD command In Analytics, paste the copied token into a password prompt that appears during script execution.
SET PASSWORD command In Analytics, paste the copied token at the appropriate point in the SET PASSWORD command syntax in a script.
In Launchpad, close the dialog box or the side panel containing the token.
If you created a new token, a partially masked version of the token is added to the top of your list of tokens.
For more information, see Creating and managing HighBond access tokens.