Joining virtual meetings from Boards

Virtual meeting details can appear directly on a book, making it easy to locate meeting information and join meetings right from Boards.


  1. On the Current Books screen, select the Conference Details button for the meeting book for the meeting you would like to join. This button appears when your administrator has added virtual meeting information (such as a meeting link) to the book's details.

  2. The "Conference Details" window opens, displaying the virtual meeting information that your administrator has added. For Zoom meetings, selecting the link launches the meeting within Diligent Boards. For other virtual meeting applications, selecting the link opens the relevant conferencing app, or prompts you to download the app.


    The first time you open the link for a Zoom meeting in Boards, you are prompted to Accept the legal terms for using Zoom within Boards. If you Decline this prompt, Zoom meetings launch in the external Zoom app, instead of within the Boards app.


    It's also possible to run certain third-party videoconferencing applications side by side with Diligent Boards using Split View. Note that support for Split View varies by videoconferencing application, and may not be fully functional.

  3. A "Join Zoom Meeting" window appears. This window may have Meeting ID and Meeting Passcode information pre-populated, or you may need to enter this information yourself. You may also enter your name in the Your Name field. Once all fields have been populated, select Join Meeting to enter the meeting.

  4. While the meeting is in progress, if you would like to minimize the Zoom meeting window within Boards to refer to your meeting materials, select the More button.

  5. Select Minimize Meeting.

  6. The meeting continues in a small window while you navigate the Boards app as you normally would. To a full-screen view of the meeting, simply select the meeting window to expand it.


    All Zoom functionality within Boards is identical to that in the standalone Zoom app. For full details on Zoom functionality, refer to support materials provided by Zoom.