Take live meeting minutes
You can take and edit the minutes during a live meeting. The minutes also prepopulate with the agenda.
When you edit the minutes, the agenda does not change. Also, when you edit the minutes before the agenda is complete, the changes do not overwrite the minutes for those agenda items that were updated.
Navigate to the Table of Contents on the Live meeting page.
When presenting a live meeting agenda, select the relevant agenda section on the Table of Contents to be taken to the corresponding section in the minutes. For example, select Assignments on the Live meeting agenda, and the Assignments section displays in the minutes.
To project the section, select the radio button against the relevant agenda item in the minutes.
The radio button is the only element that gives you control over the presentation, so you can go back to a previous item or work ahead during the meeting. If you have video manager integrated with your Community account, the presentation is automatically time-stamped during the meeting.
Enter or edit your minutes in the Description field. The text editor toolbar also displays at the top of the page when you begin to enter text in the Description field.
The minutes are saved automatically.
When you are testing or doing work in preparation for a meeting, auto timestamps will not be created. Auto timestamps are only created during live presentation at time of the meeting.
Keyboard shortcuts
When you are presenting a live meeting agenda and taking live meeting minutes, you can use keyboard shortcuts to take minutes efficiently and seamlessly while navigating between elements or sections of the meeting agenda.
To access the keyboard shortcuts, select the Help icon on the top right of your home page. A help menu displays.
Select Shortcut Keys to open the keyboard legend. Alternatively, select Ctr + /.
The Keyboard Shortcuts legend is divided into three sections:
Open Shortcut Keys list: Ctrl + /
Close dialog: Esc
Select next element: Tab
Select previous element: Shift + Tab
Live Meeting Controls
Next agenda item: Alt + z
Previous agenda item: Alt + a
Play / pause live meeting toggle: Alt + P
Open / close roll call: Alt + c
Show results: Alt + R
Text editor
Bold: Ctrl + B
Italic: Ctrl + I
Select All: Ctrl + A
Redo: Ctrl + Shift + Z
Move focus to toolbar: Alt + F10 or Alt + Fn + 10
If you are using a Mac computer, use the Option key instead of Alt. Also, replace Ctrl with Cmd.
The standard keyboard shortcut for underline is not available due to accessibility considerations.
To close the legend, select the Close icon in the top right of the legend panel. Alternatively, select Esc on your keyboard.
Add notes
To add minutes to an agenda item, select the relevant agenda item. The Add Description field appears.
Select the Add Description field to add or edit a description.
Add a motion
To add a new Motion, select +Motion.
Enter the description of a motion in the text field.
Select Moved By to identify the person who has moved the motion.
On the Table of Contents, a star icon displays next to agenda item that has a motion.
If you no longer wish to add or keep the motion, on the Minutes page, select the options icon next to the Results field, then select Delete motion.
Initiate a vote
You can initiate a vote to carry or deny a motion that a member brings forward during a live meeting. After you enable digital voting, members can view and cast their vote online. You can send a voting request to members, record their vote, and view results while the meeting is in progress. This section explains how to manage voting.
To get started, select the radio button next to the agenda item with a motion. The related motion section expands on the main display area of the Minutes page.
On Voters, select the down arrow. The Voters panel displays.
Select the Vote type from the dropdown menu, for example, Majority vote or 2/3 vote.
You can add additional vote types, for example, symbolic vote. To add a new vote type, contact the Community support team at 866-877-1172 for assistance.
To initiate digital voting, select Send for Vote.
To enable digital voting, see Voting Settings.
Scroll down the panel to view the list of voting members.
Only voting members marked Present during Roll Call can participate in digital voting during a live meeting. In addition, non-voting standard attendees do not appear on the list of voting members, and they cannot cast a vote.
The options for voting response display across the top of the voting members list, such as Ayes, Noes, Abstain, Away, or COI. The language for each voting response type can be customized in Settings. For more information, see Voting Settings.
While voting is in progress, you can manually record a member’s vote by selecting the radio button next to their name in the corresponding voting response column. Also, the radio button next to a member’s name populates after they have cast their vote online.
You can track the live update of the voting count for each voting response on the Voting started line that now displays.
If there is a tie after all the votes have been submitted and recorded, a tie breaker member is added to the voting members list to decide whether the disposition carries of fails. If a voting member changes their vote, so the tie no longer applies, the tie breaker and the associated radio button disappear.
You can set up a tie breaker when assigning roles in Settings | Meeting Groups.
To resend the digital voting request to members who have not cast their vote, select Resend for Vote.
The Results field updates automatically to reflect the disposition of the voting. For example, for Majority voting, when the majority of members vote in favor of the motion, the disposition shows Carried. When the majority of members vote against the motion, the disposition shows Denied.
Abstained votes do not count by default during a vote, and they do not display in the results. You can change the settings for Abstain voting so it is counts as For or Against in Voting Settings. In those cases, the number of abstained votes will appear in the results.
To reset the vote and clear the results, select the options icon next to the Results field, then select Reset vote. A confirmation dialog displays. Confirm the reset, and the radio buttons clear on the voting members list.
After each voting member have cast their vote, you can display the results. Select the Show Results button that appears when you select the relevant agenda item on the Minutes Agenda page
When you select Show Results, members have the option to toggle the Show Voting or Hide Voting button in the top right of their live meeting page.
Recorded vote
On the Voters panel, select the Recorded Vote checkbox to show the detailed voting results on the minutes, including the name of each person who voted.
Admins can manually populate voting results.
Clear the Recorded Vote checkbox to show the number of ayes and nays in the minutes, and whether the motion carries or fails. The results show in real time on the Live Presentation page. Members have the option to toggle the Show Voting or Hide Voting button in the top right of their live meeting page.
A green dot at the bottom right of the Live presentation page shows that you are connected during the vote. The green dot also appears to those meeting members who have voting rights, in addition to the public on the Public site.
Preview minutes
The minutes, notes, annotations, motions, and so on, that you add to the minutes during the live meeting can be viewed in Preview.
Select Preview on the toolbar at the top of the Live meeting page. A dropdown menu displays.
Select Member minutes.
Alternatively, select Public minutes.
The minutes preview page displays containing the new updates. You can choose either the Web or PDF view to review the preview.