Navigating the Community app

Learn about the key interface areas of Community.

The Community home page displays the Current meetings page, on which you can view the list of upcoming and recent meetings. If you are an administrator, you can create a meeting using this page. For more information, see Create a meeting. Select a meeting to view its details.

Selecting the menu on the top left opens the left navigation.

  • All meetings By default, displays the upcoming meetings. To view the list of previous meetings, select the Previous tab. For more information, see Create a meeting. Select a meeting to view its details.

  • Agenda items Lists the agenda items for a meeting. For more information, based on access, see the following topics:

  • Request to speak This menu is available only to the administrators. Opens the Public request to speak page where the administrators can view and approves the public requests to speak. For more information, see Public request to speak.

  • Goals Lists the goals. For more information, based on access, see the following topics:

  • Public site Opens the public site of the organization.

  • Document Library Allows you to access the existing files and upload new files.

  • Policies Allows you to access the existing policies and upload new ones.

  • Settings This menu is available only to the administrators. Provides options to configure users, meeting groups, meeting templates, and other settings. For more information, see Community settings.