Importing and viewing IT risk data in Results

You can use Workflow robots to import assets, risks, and controls data into Results, so you can view data in one place and more easily check for outstanding action items.

Use robots to import data into Results

Permissions and installation

Like all other Workflow robots, you must be assigned the System Admin user type with a Professional subscription to work with these robots.

From the dashboard in Robots, select Workflow Robots and look for the Assets Reporting robots. Older installations of IT Risk Management (previously ITRMBond) didn't include these robots, so if you don't see them, contact your Diligent representative for assistance.

Using the robots

For each robot, you can decide to run it as needed, or you can schedule it to run regularly (e.g., once per day). For more information, see Creating a robot task to run a script.

Every time you run one of these robots, it recreates the data in Results from scratch, so you don't have to worry about seeing duplicates, or out-of-date data that you've deleted.

The scripts in these robots include some elements that can be customized. For example, you can customize the labels for some fields so that they appear differently in Results. You can contact your Diligent representative for assistance making these customizations. If you are comfortable editing the scripts, you can make the customizations yourself. For more information about scripting in Robots, see Python and HCL scripting in Robots .

View IT asset and record data

In Results, data imported using Workflow robots is saved in the Risk Management Reporting collection. If you navigate to that collection, you can find the results tables that match the names of the robots you used and view the most recently imported data. For more information, see Overview of Results.