Applying advanced functions

Advanced functions are tools that perform specific, useful tasks in Reports. You can use advanced functions to perform complex calculations or operations on fields.

How it works

An advanced function is a tool that performs complex calculations or operations on a field. Advanced functions accept an input and return an output.

You can apply advanced functions to fields independently, or in combination with aggregation functions. When applying an advanced function in combination with an aggregation function, you must first apply the aggregation function.



You are working with a table of risk data, and you need to include Risk IDs in your report. You tried adding the Risk Number field as a column in your report, but you are not seeing the appropriate values displayed.

In Projects, Risk IDs are stored as two separate fields:

  • Objective Reference
  • Risk Number

You need to concatenate the Objective Reference column with the Risk Number column so that your report contains a concatenated Risk ID value for each risk.


To display the Risk ID value DA-001 in your report, you apply the Concatenate Columns advanced function to concatenate the Objective Reference column with the Risk Number column:

  • Objective Reference DA
  • Risk Number 001 001


The new column Addition of column to Objective Reference is added to your report. The value in the column displays as DA001.


Only Report Admins and Report Writers can apply advanced functions to report data.

Apply an advanced function to a field

  1. Open the Reports app.

    The Browse page opens.

  2. Open a report and navigate to the Data tab in Report Builder.
  3. Locate the field you want to apply an advanced function to by doing any of the following:
    • Enter a keyword in the Search field.
    • Expand the folders to navigate to the appropriate field:
      • Dimension attributes of your data that describe records, such as Likelihood or Severity.
      • Metric values to be measured in the report, such as Cost Impact or Project Budget.
      • Date represent date values, such as Control Created or Control Updated.

        For more information, see Creating reports.

  4. Drag the field from the data fields list to the Rows, Columns, Filters or Sections list.
  5. Click the down arrow beside the field name, and select Advanced Function.
  6. Optional. To apply an advanced function in combination with an aggregation function, first define the aggregation function.

  7. Select the advanced function category from the Select Function dropdown list:
    • Analysis analysis functions that can be applied to numeric fields
    • Date & Time date and time analysis functions that can be applied to datetime fields
    • Statistical statistical functions that can be applied to numeric and datetime fields
    • Text allows you to concatenate character, numeric, or datetime fields
  8. Select an advanced function to apply from the list.

    You can enter a search term to filter the list of advanced functions. For more information, see Available advanced functions.

  9. Define any additional parameters, as required.

    Some advanced functions require you to specify additional parameters, such as a threshold percentage, a start date, or an additional column.

  10. Optional. Display only in charts enable this option to only apply the advanced function on the field in visualizations (not in tabular format).

    You can also apply an advanced function to a field in a chart, which can be different from the advanced function applied to the field in the table. For more information, see Visualizing report data using charts.

  11. To convert a field from one data type to another, click the Data Conversion tab, define the appropriate aggregation function to be applied to the field , click Add, select the appropriate data converter from the list, and click Save.

    For more information, Available data converters.

  12. Click Save.

    Result The advanced function is applied to the field independently, or in combination with an aggregation function.


    You can verify that advanced functions are displaying the appropriate results and make quick updates by navigating to the Design tab in Report Builder, clicking the down arrow next to the column name, and selecting Advanced Function.

Available advanced functions

View a list of available advanced functions in Reports. The advanced functions available depend on the data type of the field the advanced function is being applied to.


Advanced function Description
Accumulative Percentage

returns values as a running percentage of the total

Accumulative Percentage with Cut-off

displays a running percentage of total for the values in the field

A maximum percentage cut-off can be specified, or set to user prompt

Accumulative Total returns a running total for the values in the field
Ascending Rank

returns values as rankings

The highest value returned is given a rank of "1."

Bottom 10 Rank

returns values as rankings

The lowest value returned is given a rank of "1." This function returns only the 10 lowest rankings. 

Bottom N Rank

returns values as rankings

The lowest value returned is given a rank of "1." This function returns only the specified number of lowest rankings. 

Delta From Last calculates the difference between the current value and the previous value (one row above)
Delta From Last N calculates the difference between the current value and the value that is a specified number of rows above
Descending Rank

returns values as rankings

The lowest value returned is given a rank of "1."

Deviation from Previous

displays the deviation from the previous value

The formula used is: (Current Value - Previous Value) / Previous Value

Difference of Columns subtracts one column from another
Division By Column displays the result of the division of two selected columns, where the current column is the denominator and the numerator is defined in the setup
Division of Columns displays the result of the division of two selected columns, where the current column is the numerator and the denominator is defined in the setup
Filter Percentage of Total

displays the percentage of total for the values in the field, where the percentages are either above or below a specified threshold depending on the direction defined

Grouped Percentage of Total

returns values as within or below a specified percentage threshold

The threshold (Percentage Threshold) is specified by you. For example, a Percentage Threshold of 80% would return values as either 20% or 80% based on whether they are within the top 80% of the column total.

Multiplication of Columns multiplies one column by another
Natural Logarithm returns the base e logarithm of the values of a given field
Null to Zero returns null values as zeros
Percentage Against Absolute Max


This advanced function is currently not supported.

Percentage Against Column returns values as percentages of another column
Percentage Against Maximum returns the percentage of the attribute when compared to the maximum value of the attribute within the data set 
Percentage Change Against Column returns the percentage of the attribute when compared to the total summed value of the attribute for the entire data set
Percentage of Initial Value returns values as a running percentage of the initial value in the column
Percentage of Total returns values as percentages of the column total
Remove Values

excludes values that are above / below a specified threshold

Sum of Columns returns the sum of two selected columns
Top 10 Rank

returns values as rankings

The highest value returned is given a rank of "1." This function returns only the 10 highest rankings. 

Top N Rank

returns values as rankings

The highest value returned is given a rank of "1." This function returns only the 10 highest rankings and returns only the specified number of highest rankings. 

Top N With Ties

returns value as Top N Rank, with provision for tied values

Tied values are values with the same rank. This means that if there are multiple records per ranking, the results are restricted to n total rankings.

Top / Bottom N Percentage of Total returns records that make up either the top or bottom n percentage of the total column
Truncate Data Set

removes n rows from either the top or bottom of the data set

Date & Time


The Reports server time is UTC and the Current Date field is displayed in UTC. UTC is a global time standard that has replaced Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For most purposes, the two standards are equivalent. For UTC-based datetime data, if conversion to UTC goes forward or backward across the boundary of midnight, the date is adjusted by one day.

Advanced function Description
Days Between Date returns the number of days between the date selected and another date column
Date Extrapolation

extends the date range displayed in the table by a defined number of periods

Both the number of periods, and the units can be defined.

Date Period Extractor

returns a specific date component

For example, you can extract a specific value, such as a year, quarter, or month, append a year value, or classify a date as a period by comparing it with the current date.

Days to Now returns the number of days between the date selected and the current date (age in days)
Months Between Date returns the number of months between the date selected and another date column
Months to Now returns the number of months between the date selected and the current date (age in months)
Week Days Between returns the number of week days between the date selected and another date column
Years Between Date returns the number of years between the date selected and another date column
Years to Now returns the number of years between the date selected and the current date (age in years)


Advanced function Description

divides the values into 10 equal parts, and assigns a value of 1 to 10, based upon its rank to the highest value

Deciles are used as a measure of dispersion.

Deviation returns the number of deviations that the value is from the mean
Linear Regression

shows data as increasing or decreasing at a steady rate


returns the mean (sum of values / count).

You can specify the mean to be grouped by a dimension field. For example, you may want to calculate the mean of Hours, grouped by Project Name. Instead of returning the mean for the entire column, the mean is calculated for each project, based on the values for each project.

Median returns the value that separates the higher half of the values in the column from the lower half
Moving Average

a moving average trendline smoothes out fluctuations in data to show a pattern or trend more clearly

A moving average uses a specific number of data points (set by the Period option), averages them, and uses the average value as a point in the line. If Period is set to 2, for example, then the average of the first two data points is used as the first point in the moving average trendline. The average of the second and third data points is used as the second point in the trendline, and so on.

Moving Total the total over the last n periods
Naive Forecasting

a special case of the moving average forecasting model where the number of periods used for smoothing is 1

Therefore, the forecast for a period, t, is simply the observed value for the previous period, t-1. This function can only be used to forecast up to one period in the future.

Polynomial Regression

a curved line that shows fluctuations in data

This function is useful for analyzing gains and losses over a large data set. The order of the polynomial can be determined by the number of fluctuations in the data or by how many bends (hills and valleys) appear in the curve. An Order 2 polynomial trendline generally has only one hill or valley. Order 3 generally has one or two hills or valleys. Order 4 generally has up to three. 


divides the values returned into four equal parts, and assigns a value of 1 to 4, based upon its rank to the highest value

Quartiles are used as a measure of dispersion.

Standard Deviation returns the standard deviation of the column
Standard Deviation From Mean measures the dispersion of a set of data from its mean
Standard Score calculates how many standard deviations each value is above or below the mean
Stepped Regression

This advanced function is currently not supported.

Trend displays a trend metric against an extended period
Triple Exponential Smoothing returns a triple exponential smoothing result based in the input data set
Variance calculates the variance of the column
Weighted Moving Average returns a moving average that is weighted so that the more recent the value, the more weight is applied to it


Advanced function Description
Concatenate Columns joins the value with the value from another field

Frequently used advanced functions

View a list of frequently used advanced functions and view examples of how you can apply these functions to Diligent One data.


Advanced function Description Example
Difference of Columns subtracts one column from another

Calculating the budget that remains for a project:

  • FieldHours (Sum aggregation function applied)
  • ColumnProject Budget
  • Additional columnProject Name
Multiplication of Columns multiplies one column by another

Generating a risk score:

  • Field Impact
  • Column Likelihood
Percentage of Total returns values as percentages of the column total

Calculating what percentage of each team member's time has been spent on a project:

  • FieldHours (Sum aggregation function applied)
  • Report SectionProject Member
  • Additional columnProject Name
Percentage Against Column returns values as percentages of another column

Calculating what percentage of a project budget has been used:

  • FieldHours (Sum aggregation function applied)
  • ColumnProject Budget
  • Additional columnProject Name

Date & Time

Advanced function Description Example
Days Between Date returns the number of days between the date selected and another date column

Calculating the number of days between issue creation and remediation:

  • FieldIssue Created
  • Start Date Issue Remediated
Days to Now returns the number of days between the date selected and the current date (age in days)

Calculating the number of days that an issue has been open:

  • FieldIssue Created
  • Apply a filter so that only open issues are included in the result:

    Issue Closed? Equal to No

Week Days Between returns the number of week days between the date selected and another date column

Calculating the number of week days that an issue has been open:

  • FieldIssue Created
  • Apply a filter so that only open issues are included in the result:

    Issue Closed? Equal to No

Available data converters

Data converters manipulate data to transform fields from one data type to another. The converters available depend on the data type of the field and the aggregation function applied to the field.


Data converters only transform fields for display purposes. The transformed fields cannot be used in filters or calculated fields.


The following data converters are not supported:

  • Filename BLOB
  • Java Timestamp
  • TimeZone
  • WKT Geometry
Converter Converts...
Numeric Divide numeric values by dividing them by a specified value
Numeric to Text numeric fields into text fields
Text to Numeric text fields that contain numeric values into numeric fields
Text to SQL Date text values to SQL date values using a specified date format
Text to SQL Timestamp text values to SQL timestamp values using a specified timestamp format