Sharing reports

Share reports to share data with other Reports app users as well as external stakeholders that do not have access to the Reports app. You can only share reports that have been saved and activated.

Options for sharing reports

You can share a report using any of the following options. The best option to choose depends on your requirements and your organization's workflow.

Options Description Detailed information
Export a report

exports a report to a supported file format:

  • .csv
  • .pdf
  • .txt
  • .xlsx
 Exporting or printing reports
Print a report sends the report to your local printer so that you can print a hard copy of the report Exporting or printing reports
Email a report distributes the report to recipients via email Emailing reports
Broadcast a report emails the report to specified recipients on a recurring schedule Broadcasting reports via email
Email a dashboard distributes the dashboard to recipients via email Emailing dashboards
Export a dashboard exports a dashboard or a report on a dashboard Exporting dashboards
Export a present

exports an entire present or an individual slide

Exporting presentations