View reference

Learn about the available Views you can use to build reports.

Available Views

Views define the categories and fields from Diligent One that you can use to build a report. Fields are specific columns of data and categories are logical groupings of fields within a View.


To view project or framework information in a report using a Fieldwork or Framework View, the project or framework must contain at least one objective. For more information about objectives in Projects, see Defining objectives.

View name Description Use cases and remarks Categories

Action Items

This View contains issue action items for all active projects.

  • For management reporting, this View generates aggregate reports by project, by issue owner, or by action owner to report on outstanding actions by due date.
  • For action monitoring, this View allows you to filter actions by owner, and use the advanced broadcast feature to automate notifications based on the due date or recurring frequency that you set. For business owners assigned multiple actions, this is a helpful way to consolidate reporting and notification.
  • Create a summary level management report or dashboard that drills into a more detailed level report.
  • Quantify the results of GRC work, since each completed action represents a change in process, or policy.
  • Actions
  • Issues
  • Objectives
  • Projects
  • System

Action Items by Entity

This View contains issue action items for all active projects by entity. Records are replicated for each tagged entity at the issue level so that you can filter results by entity.

  • For management reporting, this View allows you to aggregate action information according to your entity model.
  • Generate a summary of dashboard reports that show the total number of issues by entity.
  • Generate detailed reports and view all the entity values mapped to a single issue.
  • Actions
  • Issues
  • Objectives
  • Projects
  • System

Archived Issues

This View contains issues for all archived projects.

  • Managers can archive completed projects that lock down the project to a read-only state, but there may be outstanding issues that need monitoring and follow-up. This View can produce a report of outstanding issues.
  • Managers can create a comparison report of how many issues have been found or completed from previous year plans compared to this year.
  • Generate a summary report on issues in archived projects that can then be compared to current projects. For example, in last year's audit (or SOX review), the number of issues by control compared to the number of issues by control in the current project.
  • Controls
  • Issues
  • Objectives
  • Projects
  • System

Archived Issues by Entity

This View contains issues for all archived projects by entity. Records are replicated for each tagged entity at the issue level so that you can filter results by entity.

  • Generate a summary of dashboard reports that show the total number of issues by entity.
  • Generate detailed reports and view all the entity values mapped to a single issue.
  • Controls
  • Issues
  • Objectives
  • Projects
  • System


This View contains data for all active projects including Objectives, Risks, Controls, Walkthroughs, Test Plans, and Testing.

For management reporting, you can generate a report on failed control tests and which risks they are associated with.


This is the most versatile View. You can use this View to report on a subset of fields, allowing you to query only the specific data you want to report on.

  • Controls
  • Objectives
  • Planning Files
  • Projects
  • Results Files
  • Risks
  • System
  • Test Plan
  • Testing
  • Walkthroughs
Fieldwork by Entity

This View contains data for all active projects including Objectives, Risks, Controls, Walkthroughs, Test Plans, and Testing by entity. Records are replicated for each tagged entity at the control level, allowing you to filter results by entity.

For management reporting, you can generate a report on failed control tests and which risks they are associated with.

  • Controls
  • Objectives
  • Planning Files
  • Projects
  • Results Files
  • Risks
  • System
  • Test Plan
  • Testing
  • Walkthroughs
Frameworks This View contains framework data including Objectives, Risks, and Controls.

For operational reporting purposes, you can generate a report that consolidates and aggregates the results from multiple projects associated with a framework.

For example, if you have a series of SOX projects based in different regions, you can aggregate the results from each region.

  • Controls
  • Frameworks
  • Objectives
  • Planning Files
  • Risks
  • System
  • Test Plan


This View contains issues for all active projects.

  • Generates a summary level report that aggregates issues across all projects, so you can report on outstanding issues by due date or issue owner or executive.
  • Generates a detailed level report so you can send recurring notifications based on due date to issue owners.
  • Controls
  • Issues
  • Objectives
  • Projects
  • System

Issues by Entity

This View contains issues for all active projects by entity. Records are replicated for each tagged entity at the issue level so that you can filter results by entity.

  • Generate a summary of dashboard reports that show the total number of controls or issues by entity.
  • Generate a summary of detailed reports and viewing all the entity values mapped to a single issue.
  • Controls
  • Issues
  • Objectives
  • Projects
  • System

Projects and Users

This View contains project details including assigned users and associated roles.

Generate a report for user access monitoring across all projects, by user and role assigned.

  • Projects
  • System
  • Users
Projects and Users by Entity

This View contains project details including assigned users and associated roles by entity. Records are replicated for each tagged entity at planning level of a project so that you can filter results by entity. 

Generate a report for user access monitoring across all projects, by user and role assigned.

  • Projects
  • System
  • Users

Request Items

This View contains all request items in active projects.

  • Generate a report that monitors requests, or provided by client (PBC) lists, across all projects.
  • Monitor requests by Request Owner or due date, and use the advanced broadcast feature to aggregate requests to single owners, and send recurring notification reminders.
  • Projects
  • Request Items
  • System
Results This View contains all record metadata related to tables in Results.
  • Allows you to report on the metadata of your exception transactions in Results.
  • Generates a report that summarizes your exceptions by status, or generate a report that summarizes the cycle time of exceptions so you can see regions or business areas that may be slower at remediating or just generating more exceptions in volume.
  • Analysis
  • Collection
  • Record
  • Result Table
  • System
Strategy This View contains strategic risks, treatment, and assurance from Strategy.
  • Generate reports showing aggregated Risk Assurance across all treatment areas.
  • Report on cost impact associated with each strategic risk.
  • Report on Risk Heat and Risk Score across all organizational strategic risks and showcase the total Impact score and total Likelihood score.
  • Objectives
  • Projects
  • Strategic Risks
  • System
Timesheets This View contains timesheet details for all active projects.

Aggregate time captured in your projects at a summary of detailed level.

  • Objectives
  • Projects
  • System
  • Timesheets

This View contains to-dos for all active projects and frameworks.

Generate reports that show all to-do items entered across all active projects and frameworks in the organization.

To report on to-dos only associated with active projects or frameworks, you can filter by Project Status.

  • Projects
  • System
  • Todo

"by Entity" Views

Views that are suffixed with "by Entity" allow for reporting of that View according to your entity structure in Projects. You can tag items (projects / frameworks, objectives, risks, controls, or issues) to entities in Projects to generate entity-specific reports in the Reports app.

For more information on entity tagging in Projects, see Setting up entity tagging.

When should I use a "by Entity" View? 

The "by Entity" Views are intended for report writers that want to specifically include the Parent Entity, Entity Category, or Entity field in their reports. Entity fields in these Views are used to split data.

Entities are ordered based on their creation date in Projects.


If you do not need to split data by entity, Diligent recommends that you use any of the Views that are not suffixed with "by Entity".

The difference between "by Entity" Views and other Views

The difference lies in the way that the data is displayed in a report. Either the data is displayed independently in multiple rows or consolidated into a single row.

For example, let's say you have a single control that is tagged to two entities. The table below describes how the control data is displayed in a report based on the two View types:

View Type How data is displayed in a report
Views suffixed with "by Entity"

The data is displayed independently in two rows.

  • The first row shows the control title and the first tagged entity.
  • The second row shows the same control title and the second tagged entity.
Views not suffixed with "by Entity"

The data is consolidated into a single row.

The two tagged entities associated with the control display in a comma separated list.