Remediating records

Remediate records by updating key fields in the table such as status and priority. From the Results app, you can manage the entire remediation process of test exceptions, questionnaire responses, or event reports.

How it works

What are records?

Records are data objects that contain one or more attributes, like a title, description, assignee, monetary value, questionnaire responses, or attachments. Depending on what you use Diligent One to do, a record could represent an audit test exception, an IT security incident, or anything else you need to monitor or investigate.

Where does remediation happen?

Inside a collection, records are available for processing in any data analytic table. Inside any Results collection, you can open a table for remediation by clicking its title or, to the right, the number of records that table has.

When you select one or more records in the table, the Process Records panel opens on the right-hand side of the screen. You can review and process records individually or in bulk from this panel.

Not all tables are designed for remediation

Some tables, like those in Special collections, are system-generated and are not meant to be remediated. They store data that supports other features in Diligent One.

What does it mean to remediate a record?

When you remediate records, you process them by specifying values for key information columns that are added to the table, and these columns track the progress of a record through your company's remediation workflow:

Information column Description Additional comments
Priority (Character)

Identifies the relative importance or severity of records.

When you process a record, you can assign a priority value to indicate the relative important or severity of the record.

There are four predefined priorities:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Critical
Status (Character)

Identifies the state of records from the time they are imported until they are completely processed according to your company's workflow.


If a status is linked to a status questionnaire, you are prompted to answer a questionnaire when changing the record's status to the linked value. If a trigger set the record to the linked status, the questionnaire is displayed when you attempt to subsequently process the record.

Linked questionnaires are displayed in a panel in the Table View. For more information, see Linking record statuses to questionnaires.

When you process a record, you can assign a status to identify the state of the record.

There are five default statuses:

  • New 
  • Open
  • Under Review
  • Closed
  • False Positive
Published (Date)

Displays the date the records were created

Publisher Name (Character)

Displays the name of the person that created the record

Updated (Datetime)

Displays the date and time that the record was last modified

The Updated field tracks any changes to the information and data columns in the table.


The Updated field does not track when questionnaires are sent, when the same person is assigned a questionnaire, or when a comment is made on a record.

Closed (Datetime)

Displays the date and time that the record was moved to a closed state

When a record is moved from a closed to an open state the Closed value is updated to null.

Assignee (Character)

Identifies the individual who is responsible for the record

If a workflow group is assigned, then the assignee must be a member of the workflow group.

Workflow Group (Character)

Controls the visibility of the record. Only members of the assigned workflow group can review the record.

If no workflow group is assigned, then all Collection members with sufficient permissions can see the record.


Users with Professional Manager or Professional User roles can review all records in the Collection regardless of workflow group assignment.

If you are not a Professional Manager or Professional User, you cannot change a workflow group assignment.

Automating remediation

Using triggers, you can automate parts of your company's remediation workflow using triggers. When events matching certain conditions occur, the trigger can update information columns, notify someone, or assign records to users or workflow groups. For more information, see Triggering automated activity.

For more complete end-to-end data automation, use robots to populate your tables. The combination of robots and triggers can make for a robust, largely automated end-to-end flow for every record.