Managing user access
The Administrator role manages users in Diligent ESG. The sustainability manager or members of the Carbon or Sustainability Management team generally are the holders of this role. The Administrator role can restrict what assets or buildings users can see and access. This improves privacy and reduces the possibility of human error.
User roles and responsibilities
The following are the available roles and associated responsibilities for a Diligent ESG user.
User role |
Example user |
Responsibilities |
Accuvio Author User |
Access to Accuvio Author where you can edit and review reports. |
Administrator |
Company Carbon Champion Sustainability Manager |
Unrestricted access to create, edit, and delete new activities. Add, edit, and delete activity data. Add, edit, and delete facilities and buildings. Add, edit, and delete users. Adjust organizational structure. Assign user’s access by facility. Assign data entry reminders by user. |
Auditor |
Internal Auditors |
Run reports, view dashboards, and view activity data. Change audit screen status. Cannot add, edit, and delete any data. |
DiligentOneIntegrationAdministrator |
Access to the DiligentOneIntegrationAdministrator related settings. A Company Admin can assign only one user with the DiligentOneIntegrationAdministrator role in the account. This role is only available for accounts who have subscribed to the ESG Board Reporting package. |
Reader |
Executives |
Run reports, view dashboards, view activity data. Cannot add, edit, and delete any data. |
Site Administrator |
Department Manager or Accounts Manager |
Access to create, edit, and close activities or meters for the buildings they manage (buildings assigned by the Administrator to the Site Administrator). Access to input data into the activities or meters. This is a higher role than the writer role which only allows users to input data. With this role a user can manage the activities or meters for their buildings. |
Site Manager |
Read only role related to hidden CO2e. View activity or meter data across activities, meters, and assigned buildings. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) data is hidden from users in the GHG Activities, Dashboards, and Reports modules. |
Site Operator |
Related to hidden CO2e. Add or amend activities for assigned buildings for a site. GHG data is hidden from users in the GHG Activities, Dashboards, and Reports modules. |
Writer |
Data providers such as Facility Managers, Accounts Department, or Travel Agent. |
Add, edit, and delete activity data. |
Creating and activating a Diligent One Platform user
After you create a new user for the Diligent One Platform, you must unlock that user, unless they are a Company Admin, assign them buildings, and if applicable, assign the user a role other than a Reader or Company Admin role. The Company Admin role is automatically unlocked after creation.
Create a new user for the Diligent One Platform. For further information, go to ユーザーの個別の追加.
Open Launchpad and select ESG to open the Diligent ESG product.
In Diligent ESG, select the Settings icon
and select User Management.
Select Select beside the user that you created.
In the User Details section, clear the Locked Out checkbox.
In the drop-down box, next to Role, ensure the correct user role is selected.
Ensure that the role has a landing page assigned to it. For further information, go to Assigning landing pages to user types.
Select View and assign buildings to this user.
Scroll down to view the list of buildings to assign to the user.
In the Filter on Org Node navigation tree, select the checkboxes beside the countries or locations of the buildings.
In the table, select the checkboxes beside the buildings that you want to assign to the user and select Save.
In the User Details section, select Save.
The user can now access Diligent ESG through the Diligent One Platform.
When creating the user, ensure that you assign the Diligent ESG product to the new user profile.
Changing a user's role
Users with the Site Administrator role can create, edit, and delete activities or meters for the buildings that they manage. These buildings are assigned by the Administrator. With this role, you can also input data into the activities or meters and manage the activities or meters for your buildings. This is a higher role than the Writer role which only allows users to input data.
Select the Settings icon
and select User Management.
Select Select beside the user whose user role you want to change.
In the User Details section, in the Role dropdown, select the new role for the user, such as Site Administrator.
Select Save to save the changes.
Editing user profiles
In the User management section, administrators can edit other user profiles. They can activate, lock out, change the password, and assign user roles and buildings to the user.
- Select the Settings icon
and select User Management.
- Beside the user that you change the access level of, select Select.
- In the Activated section, select the checkbox to activate a user profile.
- In the Lock Out section, select the checkbox to lock out a user profile.
- In the Role dropdown, select the new role for the user.
- To assign buildings to a user, complete the following steps:
- Select View and Assign Buildings to this user.
- In the navigation tree, select the checkboxes beside the countries or locations of the buildings.
- In the table, select the checkboxes beside the buildings that you want to assign to the user.
- Select Save.
- Select Save to save your edits.
Select Resend activation email to send the user an email to activate their profile.
Changing passwords
Depending on the location that a user is on the Diligent ESG system and their role, they can change their password using one of the following processes:
Changing your password
Requesting a change of password
If a user is locked out of the system after multiple failed login attempts, an administrator can unlock the user’s account, if the system has not automatically unlocked the user or they have not reset their password. To unlock an account as an administrator, go to Unlocking a user’s account.
Changing your password
When logged in to the system you can change your password in your Profile options.
In Diligent ESG, select the Profile icon and select Change Password.
In the Current Password field, enter your existing password.
In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, enter your new password. Your new password must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one lower and one upper case letter, one number, and one special character.
Select Change.
Your password changes immediately.
Requesting a change of password
In the systems settings, administrators can request that a user change their password. You can also request an administrator of your account to change your password.
In Diligent ESG, select the Settings icon
and select User Management.
Select Select beside the user that you want to change their password.
Select Reset Password.
After the administrator selects Reset Password, the user will receive an email with a link to change their password.
In the Email field, the user enters their email address.
In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, the user enters their new password. The new password must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one lower and one upper case letter, one number, and one special character.
The user selects Reset.
Unlocking a user’s account
If a user is locked out of the system after multiple failed login attempts, an administrator can unlock the user’s account, if the system has not automatically unlocked the user or they have not reset their password.
If you are an administrator, select the Settings icon
and select User Management.
Search for the user you want to unlock and select Select beside their username.
In the User Details section, clear the Locked Out checkbox. This user can now attempt to login again using their original password.
Select Save.
Activating a user's account
If you create a user, they will receive an email which includes their login details along with an activation link to confirm their username and activate their new account.
This activation link will expire if not selected within 14 days.
A user can contact their administrator who can resend their activation link. The administrator can find this option within the User Details section of their profile within User Management.
If the user has not received the account activation email 30 minutes after the new user was created, try the following options:
Check that the email has not gone into the email spam folder of the user which may happen from time to time due to the long link contained in the email.
Check that the email address was entered correctly during the setup of that new user. In Diligent ESG, select the Settings icon
, select User Management, and then check the new user's email address to verify it is correct.
If the user still cannot find the password email, contact Support.
If the user has attempted to input their password more than 5 times, the user must contact the Support team to unlock their account.
Limiting user access by building or asset
Administrators can restrict what each user can see and what buildings or assets are assigned to them.
Removing access to certain buildings for a user with the Administrator role will have no effect because admin users have access to all buildings.
In Diligent ESG, select the Settings icon
and select User Management.
Select Select beside the user you want to grant or deny access to certain buildings or assets. You can search for the user using the search bar at the top of the table.
Select View and assign buildings to this user to grant or deny access to certain buildings or assets.
Select the checkboxes beside the buildings or assets that you want this user to see.
Clear the checkboxes beside the buildings or assets that you do not want this user to see.
After you select or clear the buildings or assets, select Save.
Deactivating a user
For auditing purposes, users cannot be removed or deleted from the Diligent ESG system. This ensures there is a full audit trail for all data entries and amendments or changes made within the system. You can deactivate users if they have left a company and no longer require access to the system. To deactivate a user, contact the administrator of your account or contact the Support team.
If an administrator deactivates a user’s account, then the user cannot log back into the system or change their password to reactivate it. If a user fails multiple times at logging in, they are locked out of the system. This is different from being deactivated. For further information about logging in and changing passwords, go to Changing passwords.
If you are an administrator, select the Settings icon
and select User Management.
Search for the user you want to deactivate and select Select beside their username.
In the User Details section, clear the Activated checkbox.
Select Save. The user is deactivated.
Assigning landing pages to user types
Administrators can now assign landing pages to specific user types and all individuals in the company. When a user logs in they are directed to the landing page of their assigned user type.
- Select the Settings icon
and select Manage Settings.
- Select the Application Settings tab.
- In the Configure Landing Page section, in the Company Landing Page field, select Edit to open the Company Landing Page dropdown.
- In the Company Landing Page dropdown, select a page to assign to all individuals in the company and select Save.
- To assign a landing page for a specific role, in the table, select Edit to open the Landing Page section.
- In the Landing Page dropdown, select a page to assign to the role type and select Save.