Approving a document

Approvers belong to a review queue and are notified by email when a document is ready for approval.


文档修改与审批是迭代的。如果在小组审批文档后进行更改,则系统会检测到更改、重置审核周期,并通知相应的工作人员。这可确保每个小组都已签核最终文档。要查看对文档的更改,请选择历史记录查看器选项卡。请参阅Viewing a document's history

Approve a document

You should receive an email with a link to the document to approve. Or you can search for the document from the left menu, Documents.

You may need to take ownership of a task on the document's Review Cycle tab before you can approve the document. See Taking or releasing ownership of a task.

Follow these steps to approve the document.

  1. Access the document. See Finding and managing documents.

  2. Select the document's Document Editor tab.

  3. Select the Preview button to review the document as it will appear when it is published.

  4. Go to the Review Cycle tab.

  5. In the lower right of the screen select Document Approved or Document Not Approved. Enter a reason. If the document is not approved, the system automatically restarts the REVISING phase and continues this iteration until all approvals are secured.

  6. Once all approvals are secured, the document moves to the PUBLISHING phase. See Publishing a document.
