Configuring project statuses

Statuses identify the classification of projects based on shared qualities or characteristics. You can configure the names of the statuses to suit your organization's needs, and the statuses are used in all projects.

How it works

Statuses provide a method of classifying projects for workflow management and reporting purposes. Each project can have one status.

There are four default project statuses that can be configured:

Status Suggested usage
Draft projects that are in the preliminary planning stages
Proposed projects that are under consideration for execution
Active projects that are currently in progress
Completed projects that are finished

Statuses vs states

Statuses allow you to group projects, according to your organization's workflow. When you create a new project, the default status of the project is set as active. If you create a new project when you define an assurance plan, the default value is set as proposed.

States are a system classification in Projects, which include the following:

  • Active projects that are currently in progress
  • Archived projects that have been moved to Project Library
  • Deleted previously deleted projects that are stored in the Project Library for 30 days, and then permanently deleted automatically after 30 days
  • Framework a structured set of information that you can use to build projects

Statuses can only be specified for projects in an active state.

Reporting on project status

Using the Reports app, you can include the Project Status field in your reports. The Project Status field contains the state and / or configurable status values associated with projects.


Classifying projects according to status


You want to classify different projects according to your organization’s workflow, and easily filter and report on projects based on their status.


You configure the following statuses and apply them to the relevant projects:

Statuses Project names
  • Cybersecurity Review
  • GDPR Compliance Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management Action Plan
  • Physical Security Review
  • FCPA Compliance Investigation
In Progress
  • Travel and Entertainment Audit
  • IT General Controls Review


The projects are organized by status, and you are able to filter and report on projects by their status.


Only Project Admins can configure project statuses. Professional Managers and Project Creators can change the status of a project. All other users can only view the status associated with a project.

Configure project statuses

  1. Open the Projects app.

    The Projects homepage opens.

  2. Under System administration, click Settings.
  3. Under Project Statuses, update the labels of each status, as needed.

    The maximum character limit for each field is 60.


    You can only configure a maximum of four status values.

    Result The project statuses can be used to classify all projects in the Diligent One instance.

Change the status of a project

Navigate to any of the following areas to change the status of a project:

Area Detailed information
Begin a new project form Creating projects
Rollforward form Rollforward projects
Project Details side panel (located on the Projects homepage) Navigating the Projects app
Project dashboard Navigating the Projects app
Project Settings page Projects app settings
Scheduler Scheduling projects