Reviewing, adjudicating, and remediating GDC and media hits
You can review the 3P Monitor for Global Database Check (GDC Global Database Check screens over 1,500 lists for sanctions, embargoes, watchlists, court lists, and politically exposed persons. When a third party is entered, it is immediately screened. Re-screening frequency can be scheduled.) and Media Monitor
The Media Monitor screens for adverse news relevant to compliance concerns. hits and provide resolution. If your organization has the Remediation function installed, you will remediate Adverse True Matches and enter a remediation reason.
Follow these steps:
Locate the third-party using one of these methods.
From your dashboard, Monitoring Hits Needing Review and select the third-party to go to the 3P Monitor page.
From Quick Search on the left menu, search by Third Party Profiles, Company Name. From the Third Party List, select the company. Select the Due Diligence tab then select Review 3P Monitor.
In the Subject with hits table, select on a line in the table to see the SCREENING RESULTS.
In the SCREENING RESULTS section, select the entity or person to review the information.
Global database checks involve a search against lists (for example, OFAC SDN list). If your search person or entity is on the list, the system returns a match needing review.
Media monitor searches the web for relevant media articles. The media relevancyRelevancy is determined by how closely and how frequently the searched company or person name appears next to terms like conviction, bribery, fraud, and so on. The closer and more frequently that happens, the more relevant the results. percent is a confidence score based on how close and how frequently your searched person or entity appears next to key compliance terms (for example, fraud and conviction). The Link Status
Third-party Status used for searching, for example, Active or Inactive. Approval Status is a subset of the Status. See Approval Status. Case Status used for searching, for example, Only Open Cases or Only Closed Cases. field
A field is a way to input information, often a question. shows if a link is valid, invalid, or processing.
The Link Status column is not available in the modernized layout if you don’t have AI media monitoring summarization enabled within Settings for your account. For more information, see Using media monitoring AI article summarization.
Use relevancy scores to identify media hits that have a high confidence of relating to your third-party. The higher the percentage, the higher the relevance. For example, if the score is 92%, the system is 92% confident that the risk relates to your subject. Select the media link to see the source article.
Diligent does not control screening links. If the link is no longer available from the source, you may see an error similar to: 404 Page Not Found.
You can also use the AI summarization tool to view a summary of media monitoring results. For more information, see Using media monitoring AI article summarization.
The AI summarization tool is available only for media monitoring results. It is not available for GDC results.
On the Source Record Detail window:
Select True Match
A hit is about the Subject entity or individual to be remediated via remediation actions and reasons. or False Positive.
Select a Adjudication Reason and add the note, as required.
Select Update.
If your organization has remediation turned on, you will also need to remediate adverse true matches. In the Remediation section:
Select Yes, then select the Remediation Reason and add the note, as required.
Select Update.
On the 3P Monitor window (upper right), select one of the following:
Save when all hits are adjudicated and remediated or if you want to return to the work later.
Escalate to create a case
Assigned to a third party profile related to a questionnaire sent for response, due diligence investigation, or other action. folder and order an investigation on the third-party. See Investigations.