Creating user groups in Reports

In Reports, you can create user groups to specify the level of access specific groups of people have to individual reports and dashboard tabs.

How it works

User groups are a security feature in Reports that allow you to assign the same level of access to multiple users simultaneously.

You can create user groups to grant access to content folders (which can contain reports, dashboards and presentations). You cannot define user group access to individual presentations.

User groups and dashboards

User groups and dashboards are related for two purposes:

  • When you create a user group, you can specify that certain dashboard tabs be added to the group members' personal dashboards.
  • When you create a dashboard, and save the dashboard as Private, you can add group members as subscribers to the dashboard.

New users

Users must be added to Launchpad and must open Reports once before they can be defined as members of a user group. By default, new users are not assigned access to Reports.

For more information about adding users to Launchpad, see Adding and managing users.


Only Report Admins can create, edit, and delete groups, and specify user group access to dashboard tabs.

Create a user group

  1. Open the Reports app.

    The Browse page opens.

  2. Click Administration, and select Admin Console.
  3. Expand the User Groups section and click Add.

    The group creation form opens.

  4. In the Group Details section, enter the following information:
    • Name specify the group name.
    • Description Optional. Describe the purpose of the group.
    • Group Status select Active to enable using the group in Reports, or select Draft to prevent using the group in Reports.
    • Group Security select Secure to specify that only users that belong to the user group can edit the group settings.

      If you select Secure, ensure that you add yourself as a user group member so that you can edit settings at a later date, if necessary.

  5. Optional. To automatically add dashboard tabs to a user’s dashboard, select the appropriate options from the Dashboard Tab dropdown list and click Add.

    If you do not see any options in the dropdown list, no dashboards have been created in Reports. For information on creating dashboards, see Showing reports on dashboards.

    The order you add the dashboard tabs reflects the order they are sorted on the dashboard. However, if a single user belongs to multiple groups, the sort order of dashboard tabs may vary.

    The dashboard tabs are automatically added for all users that belong to the user group when they open Reports. Users can remove these dashboard tabs later, as desired.

  6. Specify the users to add to the user group:
    1. Under Member Selection, click Search and enter the user's name, or click any of the options to select users from a filtered list, and select the appropriate users.
    2. For each user in the user group, specify if the user should be included or excluded from the group.

      If all Launchpad users in your organization need to be added to the group, you can include users assigned the Report Reader role to the group, and exclude other users.

    3. Click Save.

      Result The user group is created. If you specified the user group as Active, you can begin assigning the user group access to individual reports.

View user group members

  1. Open the Reports app.

    The Browse page opens.

  2. Click Administration, and select Admin Console.
  3. Expand the User Groups section.
  4. Click the number link under Members to view a list of users that belong to the user group.

Edit or delete a user group

  1. Open the Reports app.

    The Browse page opens.

  2. Click Administration, and select Admin Console.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To edit a user group, expand the User Groups section, click the appropriate user group name, make any changes, and click Save.
    • To delete a user group, expand the User Groups section, hover your mouse over the user group you want to delete, click , and click Ok to confirm.

      Deleting a user group only removes the user group, not the users.