Members notes

Use members briefing notes to add confidential information about an agenda item. Members notes are visible to members only. The public cannot see, access, or search the members notes on the Public site after you publish the agenda. Add briefing notes when you share the agenda with members and admins so they can prepare for the meeting by reviewing the context or background about certain topics.

  1. On the Agenda Builder, an Add notes with a plus sign displays next to each agenda item. Select the Add notes icon against the relevant agenda item to add a note. The Notes panel for the selected agenda item displays.

  2. Enter or paste text in the Notes field.

  3. To format the text, select an option on the inline toolbar. For more information, see Edit and format agenda text.

  4. To save the note and close the window, select the close icon.

  5. After you’ve attached briefing notes to an agenda item, the plus sign disappears on the notes icon, indicating that the notes have been added.

  6. To hide the notes from view, select Members Notes on the Agenda Builder.

  7. To preview the briefing notes, select Preview on the Agenda Builder, then select Member agenda. The Agenda preview page opens.

  8. You can choose Web View or PDF to view the Members Agenda in a web version or as an Adobe PDF document.

  9. In both preview versions, the briefing notes are displayed in a box with a lock icon below the relevant agenda item.


    Members notes are not displayed on the live meeting page or while you are presenting the agenda during a live meeting.