Take meeting minutes

You can take minutes during a meeting. Minutes include the agenda and the notes or motions you add while the meeting is in progress. After the meeting is over, you can update the minutes, before adding them to an agenda for approval or adopting the minutes or publishing them. This section includes a description of the minutes features.

  1. Select the Add Meeting button to create a new meeting. The agenda items, descriptions, and recommended actions from the meeting template are available in the minutes.

  2. To preview the minutes, first select options , then select Preview draft.

  3. For a preview of member minutes, which include agenda items from closed or executive sessions and member-only attachments, select Member minutes. The minutes preview page opens.

  4. Alternatively, for a preview of the public minutes, select Public minutes. The minutes preview page opens.


    Public minutes do not include member-only agenda items or attachments.

  5. To view a web version of the minutes, select Web view.

  6. To view the minutes as an Adobe PDF document, select PDF.

  7. You can open the navigation panel, improve legibility, or change the page width by selecting the relevant option on the view toolbar in the PDF viewer.

  8. To return to the Meeting details page, select the back arrow on the top left.

  9. To start a live meeting and add notes and motions to the minutes, select Launch Live Meeting.

  10. After the meeting ends, in the Minutes section, select options , then select Download draft of the minutes and update them in Microsoft Word.

Add notes and motions

You can add notes and motions to the minutes during a live meeting. Use notes to capture the meeting proceedings. Motions are the proposals and recommended actions from members. This section describes how to take minutes while a meeting is in progress.

  1. To start a live meeting, open the Agenda Builder and select Live Meeting.

  2. Agenda items that contain a note display a black square next to the item in the agenda list. The descriptions you added to agenda items are considered notes in the minutes.

  3. To add a new note, select Notes/Motions on the top right. The Note and Motion panel appears.

  4. You can enter text in the Notes field.

  5. To go to the next agenda item, select the down arrow.

  6. To go to the previous agenda item, select the up arrow.

  7. To close the Note and, select the close icon on the top right.

  8. To view a motion, such as a recommended action, select the radio button next to the agenda item.

  9. Select Notes/Motion. The Note and Motion panel appears.


    When you select an agenda item that’s a recommended action, you can view the recommended action in the Motion text field.

  10. You can add or edit text in the Motion Text field.

  11. To add the name of the member who made the motion, select the Moved by field. A list of names appears. You can select a name from the list to add the member.

  12. To include the name of the member who seconded the motion, select the Seconded by field, and then select a name from the list that appears.

  13. Enter a disposition, such as Carried or Cancelled, in the Disposition field.


    You vote on the motion by selecting Roll Call Vote. For more information about voting, see Initiate a vote.

  14. Your changes are saved automatically. Use the Saving/Saved caption on the top right to verify whether your work is saved.

  15. To add a new motion, select Motion add.

  16. To delete the motion, select Delete Motion.

  17. To close the module, select close on the top right.

  18. To view the minutes, select Minutes on the top right. The Minutes panel appears.

  19. To close the module, select close. For more information about working with the minutes, see Update meeting minutes.

Add a link to a meeting

You can add a link to a future meeting in the Public minutes added to: section with the Add to Agenda button.

  1. In th Minutes section, selectAdd to Agenda.

    The Add meetings to agenda screen opens.

  2. Select the meeting you want to add the link to the minutes.

  3. Select Add To Agenda.

    The minutes are linked as an attachment on the meeting.

Add a vote

When a member brings forward a motion during a meeting, you can initiate a vote to carry or deny the motion. The steps to add a vote to a meeting are the same as initiating a vote during a live meeting. For a complete description, refer to the Initiate a vote section.

  1. On the Voters panel that displays, select the right arrow to expand and see the list of voting members and add the votes in real time.

  2. After you have added the vote, select the down arrow next to Voters to collapse the voting panel.


    Use the Tab and Shift+Tab keys to quickly move through the field elements in the panel and capture the minutes faster. Refer to Keyboard Shortcuts to learn more about your options to navigate the live sections of the live meeting page faster.

Recorded Vote

  1. On the Voters panel, when the Recorded Vote checkbox is selected, the system shows the detailed voting results on the minutes, including the name of each person who voted.


    Admins can manually populate voting results.

  2. Clear the Recorded Vote checkbox to show the number of ayes and nays in the minutes, and whether the motion carries or fails. The results show in real time on the Live Presentation page.


    A green dot at the bottom right of the Live presentation page shows that you are connected. The green dot also appears on the Public site.