Adding users to BoardEffect

You can add users to BoardEffect through the BoardEffect directory. When you add a user, they can access workrooms, view Meeting Books, and receive messages.

Add a single user to BoardEffect

  1. On the BoardEffect home page, from the left navigation pane, select Site Settings.

  2. On the Settings page, from the left navigation, select Manage Users.

  3. On the Manage Users page, select the Manage Users button that appears on the top right.

    The Diligent One プラットフォーム Manage users page appears in a new tab.

  4. Select +Add user.

  5. In the Invite new user window that opens, enter the information as described in the following table:

    Field Description
    First Name The first name of the user. The character limit is 40.
    Last Name The last name of the user. The character limit is 40.

    The email address of the user. The character limit is 60. Email addresses can include apostrophes.


    • Email addresses with accents or non-Latin characters are not supported.

    • To change an existing user's email address, contact Support.



    The user's Diligent One system-wide user type (Launchpad user type)

    There is no limit on how many users can be システム管理者 for an instance. For more information, see システム レベルのユーザー タイプとグループ ロール.



    The user's subscription. Subscriptions define the roles a user can be assigned in each Diligent One app. For more information, see ライセンスとサブスクリプションのアクセス許可の管理.

    Reports Role


    The user's access to the レポート app. For more information on roles in レポート, see レポート アプリのアクセス許可.


    The Launchpad database is not synced with the レポート app.

  6. Select Send invitation.

  7. Activate the user.

    For more information, see Activating a BoardEffect user.

Add multiple users to BoardEffect

You can add users in bulk with the bulk add feature.

  1. On the Diligent One プラットフォーム Manage users page, select Bulk add.

  2. On the Bulk Add Users page, select Download .xlsx Template.

    The template is downloaded to your local machine as Bulk Add User template.xslx.

  3. Open the template.

  4. In the Bulk Add User sheet, enter the details as described in the following table:

    Field Description

    The email address of each user to be added. The character limit is 60. Email addresses can include apostrophes.


    • Email addresses with accents or non-Latin characters are not supported.

    • To change an existing user's email address, contact Support.

    First Name The first name of each user. The character limit is 40.
    Last Name The last name of each user. The character limit is 40.
    Launchpad Role


    The users' Diligent One system-wide user type (Launchpad user type)

    There is no limit on how many users can be システム管理者 for an instance. For more information, see システム レベルのユーザー タイプとグループ ロール.



    The users' subscriptions. Subscriptions define the roles a user can be assigned in each Diligent One app. For more information, see ライセンスとサブスクリプションのアクセス許可の管理.

    Reports Role


    The users' access to the レポート app. For more information on roles in レポート, see レポート アプリのアクセス許可.


    The Launchpad database is not synced with the レポート app.

  5. Save the file.
  6. Upload the file in one of the following ways:
    • Drag and drop the file into the browser.
    • Select Choose files, locate and select the saved file, and select Open.


      • Only one template can be uploaded. If a システム管理者 uploads another template, the previously uploaded template is overwritten. The uploaded template is visible to all システム管理者.

      • Special characters and spaces in the file name are not supported. They get replaced by underscores.

  7. Select Add Users.
  8. Activate the users.

    For more information, see Activating a BoardEffect user.