Answers to questions
Once you select the Question Type The type of third party, for example, Channel Partner, Vendor, Supplier, or DO NOT ENGAGE., complete the information for the answers. Details for the Question Type of Add a New Question is described in Question Types.
For many questions, you are asked to determine valid answers by selecting from the Select the Droplist Source. You can select:
- Get values from RefCodes which are values set up in existing lists and fields (RefCodes). These may be system-supplied or created by your organization. For example, there is a system default reference domain 'YesNo' which contains the values 'Yes' and 'No'.
RefCodes are required to score a question in the risk modelCreated for different third-party types and categories within the type to apply separate evaluation criteria to diverse types of third parties. Four factors make up a risk model: country, type and category, DDQ questions, and third-party custom field questions.. Any singular value from a list of values that resides within RefCodes can be scored against the risk model.
For a question to be scored in the risk model, build the Custom List in Fields/Lists, wait for the daily sync, and then add the dropdown list using RefCodes, referring to the list you created. See Setting fields and lists. - Dependent list of values which ties the available answers to the response from another question editor. These values cannot be used to score the question in the risk model. Dependencies can only be added for questions answered via a Dropdown List, Radio Buttons, or Checkbox.
An example of dependent values is asking the user to identify their organization's Country and State. You can tie the list of available States to the Country selected using the Dependent list of values selection. Dependent lists must be set up in advance. - Specify explicit values here, which are values you define for this specific question only. These values cannot be used to score the question in the risk model. For details, see Questions with answers you explicitly define later in this topic.
When you add or update answer, if the button Update Possible Answers displays, select it before you select Save.
Get values from RefCodes
Questions with existing lists and fields (RefCodes) must be used to score a question in the risk model.
For example, if your risk model includes scoring based on where the organization does business, you would select the Question Type of Countries Doing Business In. This system automatically supplies the RefCodes.
While some questions have system-supplied RefCodes, others allow you to pick the RefCode. For example, if you selected the Question Type of Checkboxes then select the Droplist Source as Get values from RefCodes, you can select the Refcode Domain of Yes_No_NA. The questionnaire displays the question and answers.
Questions with answers you explicitly define
You can enter explicit answers to a question. This is useful if the values are not going to be reused for other questions and the answers are specific to the question.
When you select the Droplist Source of Specify explicit values here, which are values you define for this specific question only.
Unexpected answers
All yes/no questions on External Forms can be configured for Unexpected Answer Red Flags. These questions will be red flagged with exclamation points inside red triangles throughout the submitted form A form is a questionnaire to gather information., and there will be red flag review tasks to be completed in the Reviewer tab of the submitted DDQ
Due Diligence Questionnaire which can be sent to third parties for response. Questions can be added to a risk model to use in determining the overall risk rating for a third party. or other external form. For details, see Handling unexpected answers.