Question Types
When you add questions to a questionnaire, you select the Question Type The type of third party, for example, Channel Partner, Vendor, Supplier, or DO NOT ENGAGE.. For details on the steps to add questions, see Adding questions and updates.
A Question Type can be system supplied or a new question you add:
- Supplied in the system: Common Question Types are supplied by the system and allow for editing. For example, there are questions about countries, anti-corruption language, and several addressing additional information.
- Add New Question: A Question Type may be question you create. For example, under Add New Question, you can select a type of Attachment, Checkboxes, Dropdown List, and so on. Then, you add the text of the questions.
Based on the Question Type you selected, you may have options for answers. See Answers to questions.
System-supplied Question Types
When you select the Add Question button, on the Select Question Type dialog, you can select a system-supplied question. This is any question type except those listed under the heading Add New Question. Question Types that are system-supplied are designed in sections as follows. Some responses populate the third-party Case Assigned to a third party profile related to a questionnaire sent for response, due diligence investigation, or other action. Folder information, so it is important to keep each question in the appropriate section of the questionnaire.
- Company Details: Populates the Case Folder tab, Company tab.
- Authorization: Populates the Additional Information tab of the Case Folder. It can be used as an anchor question to that section. Some of the Submitted By questions are required.
- Countries Doing Business In: Populates the Case Folder tab, Business Practices tab.
- Additional Information: Populates the Case Folder tab, Additional Information tab.
- Anti-Corruption Language: Built by Diligent Support. See Getting support.
This question is used as a placeholderPlaceholders are variables populated when the output is generated. For example, the [[Company Name]] placeholder may be used in an email notification or questionnaire. and is entered in the questionnaire where the ACL displays. You must provide the language for the ACL. For the process, see Using Form Builder for questionnaires.
- Business Practices: Populates the Case Folder tab, Business Practices tab.
- Key Personnel: Populates the Case Folder tab, Personnel tab.
Questions have an option to enforce a percentage ownership validation which you can enable or disable.- Enable Ownership Threshold: If selected, when users add key personnel with the Owner role, they must enter an ownership percentage equal to or greater than the percent entered in the Ownership Threshold you enter. For example, 100 is 100% ownership.
Enable Threshold Bypass: If selected, the user can bypass the ownership threshold and set a percentage that states the organization has no owners who own more than <% value they enter> of the company.
- Point of Contact: Populates the Case Folder tab, Company tab.
- Parent Subsidiary & Affiliated Company(ies): Populates the Case Folder tab, Company tab.
- Relationships: Populates the Case Folder tab, Relationship tab.
Do not change the order of the sections. The order relates to the tabs which display for each third-party.
Layout: Add a New Question
As described in the previous section, system-supplied questions display in pre-defined tabs of the third-party Case Folder. In contrast, a question you create displays on the same tab as the system-supplied question that comes before it. A good general structure of a questionnaire is to add a system-supplied question then follow it with a question you have written (identified with the genQuest name). An example layout follows. You can add more questions, as needed.
logo title headerBar System-supplied question from the Company Details section genQuest or system-supplied Company Details questions System-supplied question from the Personnel section genQuest or system-supplied Personnel questions System-supplied question from the Business Practices/Doing Business In section genQuest or system-supplied Business Practices questions System-supplied question from the Relationship section genQuest or system-supplied Relationship questions System-supplied question from the Additional Information section genQuest or system-supplied Additional Information questions System-supplied question from the Authorization section genQuest or system-supplied Authorization questions |
To create a question:
- Select the Add Question button.
- On the Select Question Type dialog, select an option under the Add New Question section. The question is assigned an identifier like genQuest123.
The types of new questions follow.
Your users are presented with a button to Choose Files then attach a file to the questionnaire. The default maximum attachment size is 10MB. Attachments cannot be required.
Checkbox, Dropdown List, Dropdown Multi Select, Radio Buttons
The following table summarizes the differences between Checkboxes, Dropdown Lists, Dropdown Multi Select Lists, and Radio Buttons.
Checkbox | Dropdown List | Dropdown Multi Select Lists | Radio Buttons | |
User can select multiple answers. | Yes |
No, select only one value |
Yes | No, select only one value |
Create question dependencies are allowed. | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Questions can be scored in the risk model![]() |
No | Yes | No | No |
*For a question to be scored in the risk model, build the Custom List in Fields/Lists, wait for the daily sync, and then add the dropdown list using RefCodes, referring to the list you created.
These Question Types allow you to control the following elements:
- Display text: The text that displays is entered in the Question Editor.
- Required: Select if the user must answer the question.
- Validation Message: Select the message to display to the user if the response is invalid.
- Horizontal Line Above: Select to add a horizontal line above the question to improve readability of the questionnaire.
Each of these Question Types are controlled by your selection in Select the Droplist Source. See Answers to questions for each of the selections which include:
- Get values from RefCodes: Select this value for dropdown lists and select list built and synced, which can take a day. See Setting fields and lists.
- Dependent list of values: A best practice is do not use for dropdown lists.
- Specify explicit values here: Do not use for dropdown lists. Instead use custom lists.
Label (read only)
Labels are text or images on a form and are read only. They are useful for titles, logos, or instructions on how to answer a question.
You can use a label as a section header. When the name of a label starts with 'pageHeader' it is added as a shortcut to the header of the questionnaire.
In the questionnaire header, the header includes links to go to each section of the questionnaire.
Multi Value Input for data entry
The user can enter multiple values and save them on the questionnaire. The responses in the Case Folder show as a comma delimited list of the values selected.
SCORM Question for SCORM compliant training
Your users can view any SCROM files in the questionnaire. The file format is a zip file.
Textboxes for data entry and dates
Use a textbox to capture a date or information from your users, such as the company name or doing business as (DBA) name.
Select one of the following Text Modes:
Single Line textbox for users to enter minimum text such names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Multi Line textbox for users to enter larger amounts of text. On the questionnaire, the users can expand and shrink the box.
Date field
A field is a way to input information, often a question. which adds a calendar widget to a form, allowing users to find and select a date.
Increase the length of a textbox by increasing the Visible Columns field. A value of 50 to 100 columns is suggested. Increase the height of a Multi Line textbox by increasing the Visible Rows field. A value of 150 columns and 5 rows is suggested.
You can leave the Format as None to allow users to enter any text. Or you can select one of the following formats to restrict what the user can enter:
- Alphabet allows alphabetical characters. No numbers or special characters are allowed.
- Alphanumeric allows letters and numbers, but no special characters.
- Confirm allows you to set specific text that the form user must enter in the field. Use the Question Editor to provide instructions to the user. For example, the question could state "If you agree with this statement, enter Agree in the following textbox."
- Email requires the user to enter a valid email format.
- Match Input allows you to select Matching Input. The system validates that the text the user enters matches the Matching Input. This can be used for an email confirmation field to ensure the response matches. For example:
Enter Email: Formatted as Email.
Confirm Email: Formatted as Matching Input where it must match the previous question.
- Numeric only allows for numbers. No letters or special characters are allowed.
- Percent to allow a percentage. An error is returned if a value other than 0 to 100 is used.
- Phone requires the format ###-###-####. If you expect to capture non-US based phone number, please use the “None” format.
For a Textbox, you can select Prefill Options then select an answer from another textbox question in the questionnaire. That answer will display in the textbox and can be changed by the user.
You can select Read Only to gray out the field and prevent user from changing the value.