Creating a new book

The page details the first steps for creating a book. These initial steps include naming the book, setting the meeting date, adding conferencing information, and setting book access permissions.

  1. On the Current Books hub, select Create Book.

  2. The Create Book wizard opens. Enter a Title.


    You can change any of the information entered during this process at a later time.

  3. Choose a Meeting Start Date. When you select this field, a calendar interface opens, from which you can choose a date.

  4. The Meeting End Date field defaults to the start date you selected. To change the end date for meetings that span multiple days, select the field and choose a date.

  5. To allow directors to print the book, enable the Allow Book to be Printed option.


    If the "Allow Book to be Printed" option is not present, printing is not enabled for your site.

  6. To add a video conferencing link and other information for directors to access directly from the bookshelf, enable Include Remote Conference Details. See the "Adding conferencing information to a book" page for full instructions.

  7. Select Continue.

  8. To set book access permissions for meeting groups, use the radio buttons on this screen. Three permission options are available for groups:

    • No Access: No one in this group can see the book.

    • Can Access: Directors and administrators in this group will be able to view the book. Administrators in this group are not able to edit the book.

    • Admin Can Edit: Administrators in this group are able to edit the book, and directors will be able to view the book once published.


    At least one meeting group must have "Admin Can Edit" access.

  9. To set viewing permissions at the individual user level, select the Users tab. This option is useful if, for instance, one or two users from a group that has been blocked need access to the book.

  10. Open the Customize access menu by selecting its current option. By default, this option is "Use default meeting group access."

  11. If only certain users should be able to view the book, select Show book to selected users. To block certain users from viewing the book, select Hide book from selected users. These settings will supersede those set at the group level.

  12. Once one of the above options is activated, checkboxes appear next to each user's name. Select the checkbox for each user to whom you would like to apply the selected viewing permission.


    To set document-level access permissions, see the Managing document visibility page.

  13. Once all settings are correct, select Finish. The Book Editor appears. For information on building your book's structure and adding documents, see Building the book structure.


    Once you have created at least one book, you can copy and edit it for future meetings. For full instructions, see Copying an existing book.