Strategy app settings

Strategy is an app in Diligent One. No extensive setup and configuration for Strategy is required, but there are some basic tasks that must be completed before your company can use the app:

Task Description Information
Assign roles to users in Strategy Grant users access to Strategy. Strategy app permissions
Set up a Strategy Map

Create a graphical representation of your business and legal entity structure.

Setting up your Strategy Map

Optional settings

Strategy Admins can customize Strategy to match their company's risk framework and terminology. Configuring any of the settings listed below is optional.

Setting Description Information
Scoring configures the way risks are scored to match your risk framework Configuring risk scoring settings
Assessment Drivers allows you to create and manage all automated risk assessments in Strategy Automating strategic risk assessments
Attributes defines custom fields that capture different risk attributes to help you characterize, assess, and report on risks Configuring risk attributes
Risk Profile customizes the column titles that appear in your risk profile Configuring risk profile settings
Tags specifies tags that can be used to filter risks in the Risk Profile, Strategy Heatmap, and Risk Heatmaps Creating and deleting tags