Managing integrations and API

This section outlines how to integrate Diligent ESG with Highbond and how to integrate your applications with Diligent ESG.

Configuring a Boards ESG reporting integration

You can now configure Diligent ESG to integrate with Boards so that Boards users can view their own greenhouse gas (GHG) emission data in the Diligent One Platform section. Boards users who have a Board & Leadership Collaboration package as well as a subscription with Diligent ESG can view the following data in the report:

  • GHG emissions by scope

  • Emissions by source category, site, country, and location

Before you can configure the Diligent ESG to Boards reporting integration, you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Create a Diligent One アクセス トークン. For further information, go to アクセス トークンを管理する .

  2. In the Diligent One Results app, add a collection or select an existing collection. For further information, go to コレクションの操作.

  3. Add an analysis to a collection or select an existing analysis. For further information, go to 分析の操作.

  4. Create a data analytic table to save data from Diligent ESG. For further information, go to テーブルの操作.

  5. Note

    Do not upload records to the table after you create the table. Skip this step.

  6. Assign a user with the role of ESGBoardsIntegrationAdministrator. A company admin can assign only one user with the ESGBoardsIntegrationAdministrator role in the account. For further information about assigning this role, go to Creating and activating a Diligent One Platform user.


    This role is only available for accounts who have subscribed to the ESG Board Reporting package.


Only the user that has been assigned with the ESGBoardsIntegrationAdministrator role can configure the integration.

  1. To configure the Diligent ESG to Boards reporting integration, select the Settings icon and select Manage Settings.

  2. Select the Application Settings tab.

  3. In the Configure Diligent One integration section, select Edit.

  4. Select the Enable Diligent One integration for Company checkbox.

  5. In the Integration User dropdown, select the user to be the ESGBoardsIntegrationAdministrator.

  6. In the Diligent One target region dropdown, select the region where the company’s Diligent One registration is based.

  7. In the リザルト Table ID field, enter the ID to connect to リザルト table. You can find this ID in the Tables tab of your Diligent One collection.

  8. Note

    For security reasons, the ID that you enter is encrypted and hidden from view.

  9. In the Diligent One Key field, enter the API key to connect with the Diligent One integration.

  10. Select Save.

After you configure the integration, a user with the Admin role in the Results app publishes the data to アクティビティ センター. For further information, go to リザルト アプリデータをアクティビティ センターアプリに公開する.

After this you can use your data in アクティビティ センター. For further information, go to アクティビティ センターアプリでのダッシュボードの管理 .


To see the data set in アクティビティ センター, you must have a Report Admin role.

Creating an API key

The Diligent ESG API is the developer interface for Diligent ESG platform. You can use the API to send activity entry (usage) data to Diligent ESG from your internal systems. For further information about the source categories currently included and how to use Diligent ESG API, go to Diligent ESG - Accuvio API.

The API key programmatically authenticates your identity to Diligent ESG. This allows applications to perform specific actions defined by the read, write, or admin permissions granted.


You must request that API be enabled for your site before completing the following actions.

You can create the API key to integrate with D1P applications. You will also need the company’s ID to call the API endpoints and to get and send the data that is needed for your business.

  1. Select the Profile icon from the toolbar and select HighBond API Key.

  2. In the Description field of the API configuration window, enter a description so that you can differentiate between your various API keys.

  3. In the API key creation field, specify the API key expiry duration in days.

  4. Select Create key.
    An API key is created which you can copy.

  5. Select the Copy API key icon .


    You can only view the API key once after creation so immediately copy it to a safe location. Otherwise, you must delete the key and recreate it.

  6. Select Save.

Copying your company’s ID

You must have your company ID to send an API request. You need the organization’s company ID to call the API endpoints. Use this ID in your query to get and send data.

  1. Select the Profile icon from the toolbar and select HighBond API key.
    The API configuration window opens.

  2. In the Company ID field, select the Copy ID icon .
    Use this ID as your company_id in your query to get and send data.

Sending requests using API

The Diligent ESG API is the developer interface for Diligent ESG platform. You can use the API to send activity entry (usage) data to Diligent ESG from your internal systems. For further information about how to use Diligent ESG API, go to Diligent ESG - Accuvio API.


You must have your organization's company ID to send an API request. For further information, go to Copying your company’s ID.

For these steps, we are using a Chrome browser, but you can use other browsers with comparable REST extensions.

  1. Install REST Client APIsHub as an extension to your Chrome browser.

  2. In your Chrome browser, select the Extensions icon and select REST Client APIsHub.

  3. In REST Client APIsHub, in the GET field, enter{CompanyID}/activities but replace {CompanyID} with your organization's company ID. For example, where the {CompanyID} is 312. In this example, you would receive a list of activities that have been configured for your company with the ID 312.

  4. Select the Headers tab, and in the Attribute Name field, enter Authorization.

  5. In the Attribute Value field, enter Bearer followed by your organization’s API key.

  6. Select Send.