Quick start

Quick starts provide short, simple workflows for getting started in Analytics Exchange. You are in the right place if you are new to Analytics Exchange or if you want to get set up quickly.

Available quick starts

Title Goal Intended audience
Analytics Exchange in a nutshell Learn what Analytics Exchange is and how all its components work together to extend the functionality of Analytics in a server environment. New or prospective users and administrators
Five things you should know in AX Client Learn the top five things you should know how to do in AX Client. New users and administrators
Importing a project and scheduling an analytic Learn how to import an Analytics project to Analytics Exchange and then schedule a basic analytic in the project to run at a specific date and time. New users and administrators
Writing scripts for Analytics Exchange Learn how to convert a simple Analytics script that runs in Analytics to an analytic script that runs on AX Server. Users
Working securely with confidential data Learn how to store data securely using Analytics Exchange and then analyze it using Analytics without downloading the source data files to your local file system. Administrators
Segregating global ERP data across geographies Learn how to organize and segregate data in AX Server along geographical boundaries. This quick start shows one way to import global ERP data and split it into regional segments for analysis. Administrators
Managing the analytic development lifecycle Learn how to isolate development and testing from your production data on AX Server and manage the process of deploying updated scripts to production. Administrators
Automating data exports to HighBond Results

Learn how to export records from AX Server to HighBond Results. This quick start uses a simple employee data file to identify target records and append them to a Data Analytic in Results.

Before completing this quick start, you should review Importing a project and scheduling an analytic.

Users and administrators
Data visualization best practices Learn the tips and best practices for creating visualizations in AX Web Client. Users
Importing interpretations Learn how to create interpretations in Analytics and import them into AX Server so that other users can view them from AX Web Client. Users