Using Frameworks

You can use frameworks to manage information in multiple projects, or to build the main structure of similar projects, and customize those projects as needed. You can also build frameworks from existing projects.

Option Steps
Manage information in a framework and sync changes with projects

  1. Create a framework.
  2. Define items, such as objectives, narratives, risks, controls, and test plans in the framework.
  3. Import framework items to projects.
  4. Edit items in the framework or in projects.
  5. Sync changes from the framework to projects or vice versa.
Initially build projects using a framework and then customize projects as needed

  1. Create a framework.
  2. Define items such as objectives, narratives, risks, controls, and test plans in the framework.
  3. Import framework items, such as controls, to projects.
  4. Add items to projects or edit items in projects, as required.
Build frameworks from multiple projects

  1. Create a framework.
  2. Import items, such as controls, from projects to the framework.
  3. Add items to the framework or edit existing items in the framework, as required.


Importing items from a project to a framework does not create an association between the project and framework, and allows you to efficiently populate your framework with relevant data.

Other best practices for using frameworks

There are a variety of strategies you can use to effectively make use of frameworks.

Group controls for reporting purposes

When you set up a framework, consider grouping controls within an objective for an optimal reporting experience. Your organization may report on different types of entities (business units, departments, locations, or key initiatives that are within the scope of the organization's project function), so ensure that your framework is set up to reflect the desired reporting experience.

Define fields but keep values blank

Frameworks dictate the fields that one or more projects must use, but the values in the fields can be specific to each project.

To use the framework as a template, define the fields you need within the framework, but keep the values blank. For example, you may need to define several control attributes. You can define these fields within the framework, and specify the values for these fields within the relevant projects.

Use frameworks to build similar types of projects

If your organization performs different types of projects (such as SOX Audits, IT Audits, and Operational Audits), you can set up a framework that corresponds with each type of project.

You can also use frameworks to source a subset of objectives that apply to multiple projects. For example, most Operational Audits include a planning and wrap-up section. Using a framework, you can contain the subset of common objectives (planning and wrap-up), and import these objectives to the relevant Operational Audits.

Keep language generic

Where possible, keep descriptive language used in items such as risks and controls generic so you can easily apply updates to multiple projects. If the language used is too specific, you will need to decide on what to sync vs. what not to sync, which could potentially lead to a burdensome maintenance process.


Building projects using frameworks


Previously, you created three projects that are all IT related:

  • IT General Controls Review
  • IT Compliance Issue Management
  • Cybersecurity Review

You recognize that there are similar controls that need to be set up within each project, and you want to be able to create one set of controls that can be used across all projects.


You create a new framework called IT General Controls Framework, and you define the objectives, risks, and controls within the framework. Then, you import the controls from the framework into each project. When importing, you decide to include risks that are associated with the controls.


The risks and controls in the framework are linked to the risks and controls in the projects. You can now either update the projects as needed, or ensure that updates made to risks and controls in a framework propagate to the appropriate projects by syncing projects with frameworks.


Project Admins, Project Creators, and users assigned the Professional Manager or Professional User role within a framework can create frameworks and sync projects with frameworks.

Users assigned the Contributor Tester or Contributor Users role within a framework can edit all narratives and controls within an objective if they have been assigned objective owner. They can edit specific controls if they have been assigned control owner on individual controls.

Users assigned the Contributor Manager role within a framework can edit all narratives and controls within an objective, regardless of whether or not they have been assigned as an objective or control owner.

Only Project Admins, Project Creators, and Professional Managers can delete frameworks.

Create a framework

Create a framework to store information.


  • Interface terms are customizable, and fields and tabs are configurable. In your instance of Diligent One, some terms, fields, and tabs may be different.
  • If a required field is left blank, you will see a warning message: This field is required. Some custom fields may have default values.
  1. Open the Frameworks app. The Frameworks home page opens.
  2. Click Start a New Framework.
  3. Enter a name and description for the framework. The maximum length for the framework name is 120 characters.
  4. Select a project type from the dropdown list. Ensure that you select a workflow (Internal Control or Workplan) that matches the workflow of the project you want to build. For more information, see Workflows and project types.
  5. Click Save.

    Result The new framework is created.


Use your framework to build new projects.

Add multiple frameworks

For information about adding multiple frameworks at once, see Bulk importing frameworks.

Edit a framework

Edit information within a framework and configure framework settings.


  • Interface terms are customizable, and fields and tabs are configurable. In your instance of Diligent One, some terms, fields, and tabs may be different.
  • If a required field is left blank, you will see a warning message: This field is required. Some custom fields may have default values.
  1. Open the Frameworks app. The Frameworks home page opens.
  2. Open a framework. The framework dashboard opens.
  3. Complete any of the following tasks.

Delete a framework

Delete a framework to permanently remove it.


  • Interface terms are customizable, and fields and tabs are configurable. In your instance of Diligent One, some terms, fields, and tabs may be different.
  • If a required field is left blank, you will see a warning message: This field is required. Some custom fields may have default values.
  1. Open the Frameworks app. The Frameworks home page opens.
  2. Open a framework. The framework dashboard opens.
  3. Click Settings. The Framework Settings subtab opens.
  4. Click Delete Framework.
  5. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

    The framework and all associated work is permanently removed. Once deleted, you cannot access or restore any of the framework items.